





Degree[di'ɡri:]n. 程度,等級;度;學位;階層


degree 學位;角度;程度;度數;associate degree 大專文憑;副學士學位;副學士;美肄業證書;degree kelvin 開氏溫度;絕對溫度;開耳芬度數;凱氏溫度;PROFESSIONAL DEGREE 專業學位;型學位;職業學位;專業學位;degree centigrade 百分度;攝氏度數;攝氏溫度;攝氏溫度度數;


1.Bachelor Degree and above. 學士學位及以上。

2.They differ in degree but not in kind. 他們是程度不同, 而不是性質不同。

3.Can glasses of scorch of good eyesight intelligence reduce degree? 好視力智能變焦眼鏡能不能降低度數啊?


Went on to get his master's degree from harvard. - 然後在哈佛大學取得了學士學位。

The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably. - 保密程度自然差別很大。

It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, - 後來,明顯看出,兔子對這種疾病已產生了一定程度的免疫力,

is to some degree inevitable. - 在某種程度上是不可避免的。

and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. - 而且會對主人產生相當深厚的私人感情。

It was necessary first to arrive at that degree of sophistication where we no longer set our own belief against ourneighbour's superstition. - 不用自己的信仰去反對我們鄰居的迷信。

you are conditioned by the conventions of the community to such a degree that it is very difficult to conceive of anything really destructive. - 社團的風俗習慣會嚴格地制約你,使你很難有破壞性的想法。

You can also take a degree in Maori or Maori Studies at five of the country's universtities. - 你也可以在國立大學當中的5所大學裡獲得毛利語或毛利研究的學位。


first degree a-v block - 一度房室傳導阻滯

third degree a-v block - 三度房室傳導阻滯

degree of intoxication - 中毒程度

second degree a-v block - 二度房室傳導阻滯

degree of cross linking - 交聯度

repair of third degree laceration of perineum - 會陰度撕裂傷修補術

degree of differentiation - 分化度

degree of variation - 變異程度

degree of blood oxygen saturation; oxygen saturation of blood - 和度

third degree prolapse of uterus; total prolapse of uterus - 子宮全部脫垂

average degree of polymerization - 平均聚合度

degree of maturation; n. degree of normality - 成熟度

degree of opacity in - 放射性白內障的不透明程度

degree of hydrolysis - 水解度

degree of swelling - 溶脹度

degree of heat - 熱度

degree of ionization; ionization degree - 電離度

degree of seriousness of illness - 病勢

the degree of the skin moisture - 皮膚的榮潤程度

degree of nitration - 硝化度

n. degree of basicity - 鹼性度

n. saturation degree of carbon - 碳飽和度

degree of stability - 穩定程度

first degree laceration - 第一度裂傷

third degree laceration - 第三度裂傷

second degree atrioventricular block - 第二度房室傳導阻滯

second degree laceration - 第二度裂傷

n. degree of cohesion between particles - 粒子間的相干度

n. degree of cohesion between particles - 粒子間結合程度

degree of fineness - 細度

degree of freedom - 自由度

degree of color - 色度

apparent degree of ionization - 表觀電離度

degree of dissociation; degree of dissociaton - 解離度

n. degree of joint rigidity - 連結剛度

degree of iron saturation - 鐵飽和度

degree of saturation; saturation saturation level - 飽和度


皮膚老化度 - aging degree of skin

n.表觀電離度 - apparent degree of ionization

n.平均聚合度 - average degree of polymerization

n.攝氏溫度 - centigrade degree

n.清潔度 - cleaning degree

n.蓋度 - cover degree

去極化程度 - depolarization degree

n.分散度 - dispersion degree

n.離解度 - dissocation degree

n.第一度 - first degree

n.一度房室傳導阻滯 - first degree a-v block

一度燒傷,一度燙傷 - first degree burn

n.第一度裂傷 - first degree laceration

四度燒傷,四度燙傷 - fourth degree burn

n.電離度 - ionization degree

n.氧化階 - oxidation degree

稜鏡度 - prism degree

大腦功能復原程度 - recovery degree of cerebral function

n.會陰度撕裂傷修補術 - repair of third degree laceration of perineum

n.二度房室傳導阻滯 - second degree a-v block

n.第二度房室傳導阻滯 - second degree atrioventricular block

二度燒傷 - second degree burn

n.第二度裂傷 - second degree laceration

n.皮膚的榮潤程度 - the degree of the skin moisture

n.三度房室傳導阻滯 - third degree a-v block

三度燒傷 - third degree burn

n.第三度裂傷 - third degree laceration

n.子宮全部脫垂 - third degree prolapse of uterus

零級齒 - zero degree teeth

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