lensingadj. 透鏡狀(lense的現在分詞)
lensing 透鏡狀;透鏡作用;變薄;透鏡狀地層;microgravitational lensing 微引力透鏡效應;gravitational lensing 引力透鏡效應;引力透鏡;重力透鏡;重力透鏡效應;weak gravitational lensing effect 透鏡效應;Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment 光學重力透鏡實驗;
1.The characteristics of the lensing event show that the planet is in a Jupiter-sized orbit around its parent red star. 這個透鏡現象的特徵顯示出,行星以雙紅矮星為中心的運行軌跡與木星的軌跡類似。
2.Observations that make use of gravitational lensing exhibit the same mass disparity that observations of galactic dynamics do. 有些觀測用到了重力透鏡的現象,它們也顯示出質量落差,結果與星系動力學觀測相符。
3.Dr Clowe and his colleagues used a technique called gravitational lensing to detect the mass distribution of the bullet cluster. 克洛博士和他的同事使用一種叫做引力透鏡的技術來探測子彈狀星雲團內物質的分佈情況。