Moorishadj. 摩爾人的,摩爾文化的;摩爾式的建築風格
Moorish 摩爾人的;摩爾人風格的;摩爾人式的;池沼幽靈魚;Lisa Moorish 他前女友;Moorish idol 鐮魚;Moorish lace 摩洛哥狹花邊;Moorish Barracks 港務局大樓;
1.Renown for their fierceness and discipline, Lamtuna troops played a large role in the initial Moorish conquest of Spain and Portugal. 由於驍勇善戰軍紀嚴明,雷姆圖納部隊在摩爾人最初征服西班牙和葡萄牙諸戰役中厥功至偉。
2.The manufacture entered Christendom either through Greece or by the capture of Moorish paper-mills during the Christian reconquest of Spain. 造紙業要麼是通過希臘進入基督教世界,要麼是因為基督教在又一次征服西班的過程中奪取了穆斯林的造紙廠。
3.Used widely by the Alohas to garrison and defend settlements in Moorish occupied Spain and Portugal, these troops are equipped with a sword and are a useful addition to any army. 在伊比利亞半島的摩爾統治地區,他們通常用於執行城邑守備和防禦任務。城市民兵們使用長劍作戰,是任何軍隊的有力臂助。