rowen. 羅(姓氏)
ROWE Result Only Work Environment;Brad Rowe 布拉德 羅;布萊德·羅;布萊德洛;Don Rowe 堂·羅;Nicholas Rowe 尼可拉斯洛;Peter Rowe 彼德 羅;彼得·羅;
1.Still, even Rowe worries that the economy could be shocked if the cost of emitting carbon dioxide rises too quickly. 然而,連洛威也擔心,如果排放二氧化碳的成本升高過快,經濟可能會因此受到衝擊。
2.But Trevor Rowe says the UN has only got a third of the money it needs to feed the people made homeless in Guatemala. 但特雷弗·羅說,為了資助危地馬拉那些無家可歸的人們,聯合國只籌集到所需資金的三分之一。
3.Gestures could help explain the difference, Rowe told the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Chicago. 芝羅伊在芝加哥召開的「美國科學進步協會」的年會上說,動作可以解釋這一差別。