





th Article of employers in violation of this Law the conditions of labor contracts or purposely delays do not make labor contracts by the labor administration department shall order a correction 對勞動者造成損害的,應當承擔賠償責任。;第九十八條用人單位違反本法規定的條件解除勞動合同或者故意拖延不訂立勞動合同的,由勞動行政部門責令改正;convert his quantitatively different labor into socially necessary labor time 把個人異量的勞動折算為社會必要勞動量;amount of labor expended with a certain labor productivity 一定勞動生產率的勞動量;Advise on labor laws and issue legal opinions on labor affairs 提供勞動法律咨詢、出具法律意見書;periodic health examination refers to the health examination given to labor on a regular basis according to the age group of the labor 所稱定期健康檢查,系指依在職勞工之年齡層,於一定期間所實施之一般健康檢查;


1.There shall not be any use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or otherwise. 即使是監獄勞工﹑契約勞動﹑抵押做工或其他形式的勞力,它也不應該有強迫勞動的性質存在。

2.There shall not be any use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or otherwise. 產品生產過程中不應存在任何形式的強迫勞動,包括監獄勞動、契約用工、抵押勞動等。

3.So-called labor-intensive estate uses a lot a labor element under the condition that labor element can't be superseded, or superseding cost is too high in the world. 所謂勞動力密集型產業,是在世界範圍內仍無法用非勞動力要素替代或替代成本過高,仍必須大量使用勞動力要素的產業。

4.Labor that cannot satisfy the happiness of humanity is creatural labor, and is a low-class labor that satisfied the biological need only. 不能滿足人性快樂的勞動是動物性質的勞動,是追求滿足生理需要的低級勞動。

5.Labor that cannot satisfy the happiness of humanity is creatural labor, and it is a low-level labor that satisfies the biological need only. 不能滿足人性快樂的勞動是動物性質的勞動,是追求滿足生理需要的低級勞動。


The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased. - 工作效率大大地提高了,而勞動強度卻降低了。

The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor is decreased. - 工作效率大大地提高了,而勞動強度卻降低了。


irregular labor pain - 不規則陣痛

induction of labor in midpregnancy; midtrimester induction of labor - 中期引產

induction of labor by chinese herbs - 中藥引產

false labor pains; flase pains - 假陣痛

induction of labor by oxytocin - 催產素引產

expulsive pains; labor pains - 分娩痛

induction of labor by stripping of membranes - 剝膜引產術

law and regulation of labor protection - 勞動保護法規

labor safety facilities - 勞動保護設施

labor insuranec - 勞動保險

labor insurance regulations - 勞動保險條例

labor health; labor hygene - 勞動衛生

labor hygiene - 勞動衛生學

institute of labor health - 勞動衛生研究所

labor gesture - 勞動姿勢

labor strength; work intensity - 勞動強度

labor organization - 勞動組織

assessment of labor ability - 勞動能力鑒定

labor capacity - 勞動能量

induction of labor by trichosanthes - 天花粉引產

induced labor by oxytocin - 宮縮素引產術

labor room; predelivery room - 待產室

induction of labor with bougie - 探條引產

induction of labor with wate4r bag - 水囊引產

n. direct labor cost - 直接勞動成本

n. direct labor cost - 直接工費

induction of labor by nacupuucture - 針刺引產

delivery pains; labor pains - 陣痛


n.分娩異常 - abnormal labor

n.產力異常 - ahnormality of force of labor

n.分娩期麻醉 - anesthesia in labor

滯產 - arrested labor

n.勞動能力鑒定 - assessment of labor ability

n.人工引產 - artificial labor

n.分娩時屏氣 - breath-holding during labor

助娩,誘導分娩 - conduct of labor

n.併發症分娩 - complicated labor

n.難產 - difficult labor

分娩持續時間 - duration of labor

n.干產 - dry labor

n.假臨產,試月 - false labor

n.假陣痛 - false labor pains

n.第一產程 - first stage of labor

n.產力 - force of labor

n.強迫分娩 - forced labor

n.迫產 - forecd labor

n.第四產程 - fourth stage of labor

早產,未成熟產 - immature labor

n.人工引產 - induced labor

n.宮縮素引產術 - induced labor by oxytocin

n.引產術 - induction of labor

n.中藥引產 - induction of labor by chinese herbs

n.針刺引產 - induction of labor by nacupuucture

n.催產素引產 - induction of labor by oxytocin

n.剝膜引產術 - induction of labor by stripping of membranes

n.天花粉引產 - induction of labor by trichosanthes

n.中期引產 - induction of labor in midpregnancy

n.探條引產 - induction of labor with bougie

n.水囊引產 - induction of labor with wate4r bag

n.分娩動因 - initial cause of labor

n.傷產 - injured labor

n.勞動衛生研究所 - institute of labor health

器械分娩 - instrumental labor

n.不規則陣痛 - irregular labor pain

晚產,過期女娩 - late labor

n.勞動保護法規 - law and regulation of labor protection

n.輕體力勞動 - light physical labor

n.分娩機理 - mechanism of labor

n.中期引產 - midtrimester induction of labor

n.死胎不下 - missed labor

n.中等體力勞動 - molderate physical labor

多胎分娩 - multiple labor

n.順產 - natural labor

n.順產,正常分娩 - normal labor

n.梗阻性分娩 - obstructed labor

n.分娩發作 - onset of labor

陣痛發作 - onset of labor pains

n.病理性分娩 - padrhologic labor

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