n. accord ,treaty
pacts[pækt]n. 協定;公約;條約;契約
pacts 契約;defense pacts 防禦條約;free trade pacts 自由貿易協定;Unit One Pacts 第一單元 公約;Business- Education Com-pacts 契約;
1.It, like Japan, is a country in which the young find themselves under huge pressure to succeed, and most internet pacts involve young people. 同日本一樣,韓國的年輕人認為自己承受著巨大的成功壓力,大多數互聯網自殺約定都少不了年輕人。
2.But after four years with a comfortable majority, he will now have to deal with a fraught world of parliamentary pacts and a hostile president. 過去四年,社會黨在議會一直佔絕對多數,而如今,他不得不面對一位貌合神離的總統和來自議會協議的掣肘。
3.The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and then hammer out different pacts covering, say, electronic goods and drug manufacturing. 美國人很願意就醫療器械的標準達成一項協議,然後推敲出不同的合同,用以涵蓋--比如說--電子產品和藥品的生產。
The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and them hammer out different pacts covering,say, - 美國人很願意就醫療器械的標準達成一個協議,然後推敲出不同的合同,用以涵蓋 --比如說