n. auntie ,aunty
n. uncle
aunt[ɑ:nt, ænt]n. 阿姨;姑媽;伯母;舅媽
aunt 姑媽;伯母;阿姨、嬸嬸、姑姑;姨媽;Aunt Tigress 虎姑婆;an aunt 一個阿姨;Aunt Jemima 傑邁瑪阿姨;米瑪大嬸;傑邁瑪大嬸;Aunt Elladora 艾勞刀姑母;
1.Aunt Sally went shopping. 薩莉阿姨去購物。
2.It was my aunt Lucy. 我是姑母露西打來的。
3.My aunt is a singer. 我的姑姑是一個歌手。
My aunt will come to live with me for some days. - 我阿姨會來和我住一些日子。
Do you know the boy whose aunt is an artist? - 你知道那男孩的姑媽是藝術家?
Do you remember the boy whose aunt is an actress. - 你是否記得那男孩的姑媽是演員?
Does he go out with the boy whose aunt is an operator? - 與他在一起那男孩的姑媽是接線生。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a beautician. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是美容師。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a clerk. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是店員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a housemaid. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是家庭主婦。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a librarist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是圖書管理員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a model. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是模特。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a musician. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是音樂家。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a nurse. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是護士。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a receptionist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是接待員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a reporter. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是記者。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a saleslady. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是推銷員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a secretary. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是秘書。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a stenographer. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是速記員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a stewardess. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是空中小姐。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a TV announcer. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是電視播音員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is a typist. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是打字員。
I meet the boy whose aunt is an accountant. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是會計。
I meet the boy whose aunt is an editor. - 我遇到那男孩的姑媽是編輯。
It was my aunt Lucy. - 是我姑母露西打來的。
My aunt Jennifer is an actress. - 我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演員,
Before she grew old, Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly. - 哈麗特姑媽年輕時,喜歡大擺宴席,招待賓客。
Though my aunt pursued what was, in those days, an enlightened policy, in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, she was extremely difficult to please. - 姑媽待傭人在當時算是開明的,從來不讓傭人每天工作超過8小時,但他們很難使她稱心如意。
Bessie worked for Aunt Harriet for three years. - 貝西在哈麗特家干了3年。
She acted the role of the perfect servant for three years before Aunt Harriet discovered her 'little weakness'. - 她擔任「理想僕人」角色3年之後,哈麗特終於發現她有「小小的弱點」。
my aunt unexpectedly returned one afternoon with a party of guests and instructed Bessie to prepare dinner. - 一天下午,她出其不意地回來了,帶來一大批客人,吩咐貝西準備晚飯。
Though this caused great mirth among the guests, Aunt Harriet was horrified. - 這件事引起了客人們的歡笑,但哈麗特卻著實嚇了一跳。
After her departure, Aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie's wardrobe. - 貝西走後,哈麗特姑媽發現在貝西以前用過的衣櫃裡整整齊齊地放著一堆堆形狀各導、大小不一的酒瓶子。
After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she looked worried. - 午飯後黃阿姨來了,她面帶愁容。
When Aunt Huang came back, I was so tired. In the evening Liu Ming came to see me. - 當黃阿姨回來的時候,我累極了。晚上劉明來看我。
We've seen several members of the family since we arrived my grandfather and my aunt and uncle. - 自我們回來以後已經見到了好幾個家庭成員祖父、姑姑和叔叔。
So your aunt was a wealthy woman? - 那麼你伯母就是一位富有的女人了?
None of the family apart from her father and my aunt have seen her since. - 自從她離開家以後,家裡人除了她父親與我伯母外沒有人見過她。
He married my aunt in 1971, so Clare would have been five years old. - 他1968年與我伯母結婚,那麼克萊爾應該已經5歲了。"
No. Your aunt did foresee that Ms flower might die before her. - 不。你伯母的確預見到弗勞爾小姐很可能在她之前去世。