





n. surprisalv. storm


surprise[sə'praiz]n. 驚奇,詫異;突然襲擊vt. 使驚奇;奇襲adj. 令人驚訝的


Surprise 給你一個驚喜!;驚奇;驚訝;驚喜;Kinder Surprise 健達出奇蛋;出奇蛋;Kinder出奇蛋;surprise sb 使…驚訝;令某人驚奇;令某人吃驚;big surprise 大驚奇;大驚喜;Surprise Cannon 奇襲炮彈;


1.I was surprised at the news about his death. 他去世的消息令我感到震驚。

2.And the answer might surprise you. 而答案可能會令你吃驚。

3.To my surprise, the teacher was late. 讓我驚訝的是,老師以遲到了。


because we have a little surprise for you today. - 因為今天我們要給各位一項驚喜。

What do you think the surprise will be? - 你想會是什麼樣的意外驚喜?

what do you think this big surprise is? - 你認為這一件大驚喜會是什麼?

You don't know what the surprise is yet? - 你們還不知道這個驚喜是什麼?

we'll surprise her. - 我們再讓她驚喜一下。

Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. - 媽媽說我們可以給她舉行一個讓她驚喜的歡送派對。

Especially when Alexandra gave me a surprise ... - 特別是Alexandra給了我一個驚喜……

And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie. - 我也有一個小小的驚喜給你,Robbie。

What a pleasant surprise running into you. - 碰見你真是太棒了!

Paul started with surprise when Jim tapped his shoulder. - 當吉姆拍了保羅的肩膀時,保羅嚇了一跳。

She gaped in surprise when Robert arrived. - 當羅伯特來的時候,她吃驚得長大嘴巴呆住了。

I have a surprise for you. - 我有一個意想不到的東西給你看。

She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. - 她走進我的房間,當她看到地板上的那些書時,大吃一驚。

Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. - 想一想他們所感受到的驚奇和興奮 —— 當他們拆開包裝箱時,他們發現第4台發動機就像蜂蜜一樣甜 —— 發動機完好無損。

So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. - 因此,聽說北海石油鑽井平台上的潛水員受到巨型魚類的恐嚇,確實很讓人吃驚。

In spite of this, some people -- including myself -- were surprise by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. - 儘管如此,最近舉辦的一次現代雕塑展覽還是使一些人(包括我在內)大吃了一驚。

Neither was I surprise when the train stopped at Widley, a tiny station a few miles along the line.Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals. - 火車開出幾英里即在一個小站威德裡停了下來。對此,我不覺得奇怪,因為即便是特別快車也可能被信號攔住。

Indeed they can have a delightful surprise when they find something useful which they did not know they owned. - 確實,一旦無意之中從自己的收藏品中找到某件有用的東西時,可以給人一種驚喜的感覺。


驚喜 - great surprise

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