gmvabbr. 克分子體積(Gram-Molecule Volume)
GMV 大蒜花葉病毒;交易額;法國擬重新開始轉基因葡萄;總商品量;GMV Girl 西班牙女孩;banker's draft L gmv KW 銀行匯票;
1.And now more than 600, 000 elevators, using GMV hydraulic components, are running in the world. 現全球已有60多萬部採用GMV液壓部件的電梯正在運行。
2.GMV S. P. A is the biggest hydraulic elevator components manufacturer in the world, with share of 40% outputs and sales of similar products in the world. 意大利GMV公司是當今全球最大的液壓電梯液壓部件的生產製造商,產銷量占世界同類產品的40%。
3.The thesis aims to develop a micro-vibration platform using Giant Magnetostrictive Vibrator (GMV), which is expected to improve the vibrating force and frequency scale of vibration welding technic. 針對振動焊接中激振器的激振力不大、頻帶不寬等缺陷,本文研製了一種以超磁致伸縮激振器為執行元件的微振動平台。