





n. asthma attack ,bronchial asthma


asthma['æsmə, 'æz-]n. [醫]哮喘,氣喘


asthma 哮喘;氣喘;氣喘,哮喘;喘息;asthma paper 防喘紙;allergic asthma 變應性哮喘;敏性氣喘;過敏性哮喘;敏性哮喘;nasal asthma 鼻性孝喘;釋義:鼻性氣喘,鼻性哮喘;鼻性哮喘;atopic asthma 變應性哮喘;釋義:異位性哮喘,特應性哮喘,變應性氣喘;


1.Swim can you control asthma? 游泳能控制哮喘嗎?

2.Get a flu shot, especially if you have asthma. 打一針流感疫苗,尤其是你有哮喘時。

3.New studies show that eating apples every day improves memory and prevents asthma and cancer. 新的研究指出每日吃蘋果可以改善記憶以及避免氣喘與癌症。


asthma of cold type; asthma of cole type - 冷哮

asthma and hay fever; asthmaandhayfever; eczema - 哮喘和枯草熱

asthma with wheezing - 哮證

asthma dyspnea - 喘上氣

asthma crystals; charcot-leyden crystals - 夏-萊二氏晶體

asthma crystas; charcot-leyden crystals - 夏萊二氏結晶體

asthma due to dust mite - 塵螨性哮喘

relieving asthma and reinforcing yangqi - 定喘助陽

bronchial asthma in chidren - 小兒哮喘

asthma crystals; charcot leyden crystals - 氣喘晶體

asthma paper - 氣喘紙

asthma and hay fever; asthmaandhayfever; eczema - 濕疹

asthma of heat type - 熱哮

asthma due to stagnation of profuse phlegm - 痰哮

asthma due to the kidney-asthenia - 腎哮

asthma of insufficiency type - 虛喘

alleviating asthma and cough - 降氣平咳


n.變應性哮喘 - allergic asthma

變性性支氣管哮喘 - allergic bronchial asthma

n.降氣平咳 - alleviating asthma and cough

n.扁桃體性哮喘 - amygdaline asthma

n.肺泡性哮喘 - alveolar asthma

阿司匹林氣喘 - aspirin asthma

n.蛔蟲性哮喘 - ascaris asthma

n.斂肺定喘 - astringing for relieving or preventing asthma

n.變應性哮喘,特異性哮喘 - atopic asthma

n.吼病,支氣管哮喘 - bronchial asthma

n.小兒哮喘 - bronchial asthma in chidren

支氣管哮喘患者 - bronchial asthma patient

支氣管性氣喘,卡他性氣喘 - bronchitic asthma

n.心病性哮喘,心性哮喘 - cardiac asthma

小兒氣喘 - childhood asthma

n.陣發性氣喘 - clonic asthma

n.棉悄性氣喘 - cotton-dust asthma

n.洗滌劑性哮喘 - detergent asthma

n.塵埃性哮喘 - dust asthma

消化不良性喘息 - dyspeptic asthma

n.內原性氣喘 - endogenous asthma

n.嗜酸細胞性哮喘 - eosinophilic asthma

運動誘發哮喘 - exercise induced asthma

n.用力誘發性哮喘 - exercise-induced asthma

n.運動誘發哮喘 - exerciseinduced asthma

n.外因性氣喘 - extrinsic asthma

n.花草氣喘,枯草氣喘 - hay asthma

n.納氣平喘 - helping inspiration to relieve asthma

傳染性哮喘 - infectious asthma

n.感染性氣喘,感染性哮喘 - infective asthma

嬰兒喘息,嬰兒哮喘 - infantile asthma

嬰兒支氣管哮喘 - infantile bronchial asthma

內源性哮喘 - intrinsic asthma

頑固性哮喘 - intractable asthma

n.止咳平喘藥 - medicine for he treatment of cough and asthma

礦工氣喘 - miner's asthma

適度年週期型哮喘 - moderate year-round type asthma

鼻性哮喘 - nasal asthma

神經性哮喘 - nervous asthma

夜發性哮喘,夜間氣喘 - nocturnal asthma

n.職業性哮喘 - occupational asthma

n.花粉性氣喘 - pollen asthma

n.波特氏哮喘 - potts asthma

n.平喘 - preventing asthma

n.反射性哮喘 - reflex asthma

n.降逆平喘,平喘 - relieving asthma

n.定喘助陽 - relieving asthma and reinforcing yangqi

n.止咳平喘 - relieving cough and asthma

n.定喘 - relieving or preventing asthma

n.瀉肺平喘 - removing heat from the lung and relieving asthma


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