reichsbankn. (德)德國國家銀行
Reichsbank 德國國家銀行;帝國銀行;國家銀行;德國國立銀行;
1.and Hjalmer Schacht, the president of Germany's Reichsbank, a Prussian by temperament, if not by birth, whose sensibilities led to a flirtation with the Nazis. 恐懼外國人的法國銀行董事:HjalmerSchacht,德國國家銀行主席,一個暴躁的普魯士人,如果不是生不逢時,準會與納粹狼狽為奸。
2.The government also founded a new institution that allowed the Reichsbank to discount bills from those banks that could not be traded because the inter-bank market had seized up. 政府還建立了一家新的機構,允許德國國家銀行為不能進行交易的銀行賬單進行貼現,因為當時銀行間的市場已經陷入停頓狀態。
3.The government also founded a new institution that allowed the Reichsbank to discount bills from those banks that could not be traded because the inter-bank market had seized up. 政府還建立了一個新的機構,它允許德國國家銀行打折出售其來自那些銀行的票據,那些銀行因為銀行同業拆放市場失靈而不可能交易。