slavishlyadv. 奴隸般地
slavishly 奴隸般地;盲目;slavishly dependent 仰人鼻息;slavishly imitate 學舌;
1.Although I don't slavishly adhere to that rule, my bond position accounted for about 65% of my personal portfolio in early2000. 儘管我並非絕對遵守這個規定;2000年初,債券在我的個人投資組合中大約占65%;
2.We must borrow from the useful achievements in politics from different civilizations of mankind but will never slavishly imitate any Western models. 我們需要借鑒人類政治文明有益成果但絕不照搬西方政治制度模式。
3.If the copy mechanically and apply slavishly without any analysis, substantial funds in the circumstances, not only can not achieve the intended purpose, it will be counterproductive. 如果不加分析的生搬硬套,在投入大量資金的情況下,不但達不到預期的目的,反而會適得其反。