





n. anatomical sphincter ,sphincter muscle


sphincter['sfiŋktə]n. [解]括約肌


sphincter 括約肌;鬆緊口裝置;括約筋;括約肌:;Precapillary sphincter 微血管前括約肌;毛細血管前括約肌;毛細血管前括肌;前毛細管括約肌;sphincter muscle 括約肌;環束肌;(瞳孔)括約肌;external sphincter 括約肌;外括約肌;sphincter urethrae 尿道括約肌;釋義:尿道括約肌;


1.A ring of muscle, the cardiac sphincter, surrounds the esophagus at this point. 此處有一肌肉環即賁門括約肌圍繞著食道。

2.Conclusion: Bladder and sphincter have different dominance in spinal root innervation. 結論:膀胱尿道具有不同的主要支配神經根。

3.In utero, this sphincter extends without interruption from the bladder to the perineal membrane. 胚胎發育時,該括約肌從膀胱延續到會陰膜部,中間沒有中斷。


functional sphincter incoordination - 功能性括約肌失調

guthries muscle; guthries muscle; sphincter urethrae membranaceae - 加思裡氏肌

external sphincter; sphincter external - 外括約肌

sphicter muscle of urethra; sphincter muscle of urethra; wilsons muscle; wilsonsmuscle - 威爾遜氏肌

musculus sphincter urethrae; sphincter muscle of urethra - 尿道括約肌

sphincter muscle of mimbranous urethra - 尿道膜部括約肌

musculus sphincter pylori; sphincter muscle of pylorus - 幽門括約肌

spinal center of sphincter vesicae - 庫普雷索夫氏中樞

musculus sphincter pupillae; sphincter muscle of pupil - 瞳孔括約肌

anal sphincter; sphincter ani - 肛管括約肌

internal sphincter muscle of anus; musculus sphincter ani internus - 肛門內括約肌

external sphincter muscle of anus - 肛門外括約肌

sphincter ani; sphincter off anus - 肛門括約肌

sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla - 肝胰壺腹括約肌

musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae; oddis muscle; oddis sphincter - 膽道口括約肌

musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici; sphincter of pancreatic duct - 胰管括約肌

sphincter vesicae; vesical sphincter - 膀胱括約肌

baydens sphincter; sphincter choledochus - 貝登氏活約肌

sphincter vaginae; vaginal sphincter - 陰道括約肌

lower esophageal sphincter pressure - 食管下端托約肌壓力


n.肛管括約肌 - anal sphincter

n.前括約肌 - anterior sphincter

n.膀胱括約肌鬆弛 - atony of bladder sphincter

n.貝登氏活約肌 - baydens sphincter

n.膽總管括約肌 - boydens sphincter

n.食管下端括約肌 - cardiac sphincter

n.食管下端括約肌 - cardioesophageal sphincter

n.膽總管括約肌 - choledochus sphincter

排尿肌一括約肌失調,逼肌括約肌不協調 - detrusor sphincter dyssynergia

n.外括約肌 - external sphincter

n.肛門外括約肌 - external sphincter muscle of anus

n.尿道外括約肌 - external urethral sphincter

n.功能性括約肌失調 - functional sphincter incoordination

n.焦達諾氏括約肌 - giodanos sphincter

n.漢勒氏括約肌,亨利氏括約肌 - henles sphincter

n.希爾特爾氏括約肌 - hyrtls sphincter

n.回盲括約肌 - ileocecal sphincter

n.肛門括約肌失禁 - incontinence of anal sphincter

內括約肌 - internal sphincter

n.肛門內括約肌 - internal sphincter muscle of anus

n.瞳孔括約肌撕裂 - laceratin of pupillary sphincter

n.肛門括約肌撕裂傷 - laceration of anal sphincter

n.食管下端托約肌壓力 - lower esophageal sphincter pressure

n.膽道口括約肌 - musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae

n.肛門內括約肌 - musculus sphincter ani internus

n.胰管括約肌 - musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici

n.瞳孔括約肌 - musculus sphincter pupillae

n.幽門括約肌 - musculus sphincter pylori

n.尿道括約肌 - musculus sphincter urethrae

n.內拉通氏括約肌 - nelatons sphincter

n.奧狄氏括約肌阻塞 - obstruction of oddis sphincter

n.奧狄氏括約肌,膽道口括約肌 - oddis sphincter

n.手術後肛括約肌失禁 - postoperative incontinence of anal sphincter

n.毛細血管前括約肌,前毛細血管括約肌 - precapillary sphincter

幽門括約肌 - pyloric sphincter

n.肛門括約肌再造術 - reconstruction of anal sphincter

n.希爾特爾氏括約肌,直腸括約肌 - rectal sphincter

n.肛管括約肌鬆弛 - relaxation of anal sphincter

n.膽總管括約肌痙攣 - spasm of choledochus sphincter

n.庫普雷索夫氏中樞 - spinal center of sphincter vesicae

n.第三括約肌 - third sphincter

n.食管括約肌上緣 - upper border of esophageal sphincter

尿道括約肌 - urethral sphincter

n.尿道陰道括約肌 - urethrovaginal sphincter

n.陰道括約肌 - vaginal sphincter

n.膀胱括約肌 - vesical sphincter

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