grantor[ɡrɑ:n'tɔ:, 'ɡrɑ:ntə]n. 授予者;讓與人
grantor 授予人;授予者;讓與人;資助人,讓與人;grantor trusts 人信託;lease grantor 授權者;grantor state 授權國;credit grantor 授信者;
1.In practice, it is a good idea for the attorney to keep accurate records and receipts for all transactions made on behalf of the grantor. 事實上,由律師/代理人來保留代表授權人一方所作的所有業務的精確記錄和憑據是個不錯的想法。
2.While the tax rules will vary between jurisdictions, in most cases, the grantor? can't receive these benefits if he or she is the trustee of the trust. 當然,稅收制度在各州區之間迥然不同,但在大多數情況下如果授權人同時也是信用委託人,那麼他/她將不能夠獲得上述的稅收便利。
3.The authors suggest that the basic trust structure in . ABS be trust for the benefits of grantors. The grantor/beneficiary can be either the originator or investors. 通過對融資實踐中信託方式的考察,本文提出自益信託是資產證券化交易中信託的基本形態,存在融資人信託和投資人信託兩種基本模型。