n. catharsis ,katharsis ,purge ,purification
purgation[pə:'ɡeiʃən]n. 清洗;洗罪;(吃瀉藥)通便
purgation 淨化;洗罪;通便;催瀉;catharsis purgation 釋義:導瀉;drastic purgation 峻下,峻下;Purgation Isle 贖罪島;sthenia requiring purgation 實則瀉之;釋義:盛則瀉之;
1.This article expounds lead-doctor Xie Changren s knowledge on Wu Jutong s theory about purgation, and on its clinical application. 本文論述了謝昌仁主任醫師對吳鞠通有關下法的理論和五承氣湯的認識以及臨床應用的經驗。
2.The eight therapeutic methods: a collective term for diaphoresis, emesis, purgation, mediation, warming, heat reducing, toning up, and elimination. 八法:八類治療疾病的方法,即汗法、吐法、下法、和法、溫法、清法、補法、消法。
3.Introduce professor Wu Liwen s experience for miscellaneous diseases applying Zhongjing s method on pungent drugs for dispersion and bitter drugs for purgation. 介紹吳立文教授運用仲景辛開苦降法治療內科雜病的經驗。
purgation with drugs of cold nature - 寒下
retain yin with urgent application of purgatives; timely purgation to preserve yin - 急下存陰
purgation is helpful to treat occlusion - 瀉可去閉
purgation or reduction in acupuncture - 瀉法
n.三法 - and purgation
n.苦降 - bitter drubs for purgation
n.峻下 - drastic purgation
n.瀉下通便 - relieving constipation by purgation
n.水瀉去濕 - removing dampness by water purgation
n.瀉水逐飲 - removing water retention by purgation
n.急下存陰 - timely purgation to preserve yin
n.釜底抽薪 - to reduce excess heat by purgation
n.大瀉 - vigorous purgation