





rami['reimai]n. [植]支(ramus的複數)


rami 分支;夯:;芋麻;rami splenici 脾支;rami tonsillares 扁桃體支;rami superiores 上支;rami thalamici 丘腦支;


1.The results can be exported to animated GIF image rami movie. 作品可以被導出為動畫 GIF 圖像或者 AVI 電影。

2.Results After 3 to 6 months following up postoperatively, the lateral angles formed by the rami and the body is nearly normal. 結果術後對11例下頜骨肥大患者3~6個月的隨訪,術後下頜骨升支與體部的角度接近正常,側面觀形態自然,弧線優美,體表無瘢痕。

3.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of subfascial dissection technique, which used to protect rami frontalis of facial nerve in pterional approach. 目的:評價翼點入路開顱術中筋膜下分離技術保護面神經額支的有效性。


rami dentales superiores; superior dental branches - 上牙支

anterior auperior alveolar branches; rami alveolares superiores anteriores - 上牙槽前支

posterior superior alveolar branches; rami alveolares superiores posteriores - 上牙槽後支

rami gingivales superiores; superior gingival branches - 上牙齦支

branches to nuclei of hypothalamus; rami nucleorum hypothalamicorum - 下丘腦核支

inferior labial branches; rami labiales inferiores - 下唇支

inferior palpebral branches; rami palpebrales inferiores - 下瞼支

medial mammary branches; rami mammarii mediales - 乳房內側支

mammary branches; rami mammarii - 乳房支

perineal branches; rami perineales - 會陰支

articular branches; rami articulares - 關節支

rami capsulae internae - 內囊支

rami viscerales; visceral branches - 內臟支

anteromedial central branches; rami centrales anteromediales - 前內側中央支

rami vestibulares; vestibular branches - 前庭支

perforating branches anterior; rami substantiae perforatae anterioris - 前穿質支

duodenal branches; rami duodenales - 十二指腸支

branches to isthmus faucium; rami isthmi facium - 咽峽支

laryngopharyngeal branches; rami laryngopharyngei - 喉咽支

capsular branches; rami capsulares - 囊支

lateral melleolar branches; rami malleolares laterales - 外側踝支

rami pedunculares - 大腦腳妓

medial cutaneous branches of leg; rami cutanei cruris mediales - 小腿內側皮支

caudal branches; rami caudati - 尾狀葉支

bulbar branches rami ad medullam; oblongatum - 延髓支

rami cardiaci superiores; superior cardiac banches - 心上支

bronchial branches; rami bronchiales - 支氣管支

branches to amygdaloid body; rami corporis amygdaloidei - 杏仁體支

occipital branches; rami occipitales - 枕支

rami transversus; transversal branch - 橫支

dental branches; rami dentales - 牙支

cortical branches; rami corticales - 皮質支

orbital branches; rami orbitales - 眶支

perforating branches; rami perforantes - 穿支

epiploic branches; rami epiploici - 網膜支

pterygoid branches; rami pterygonidei - 翼肌支

rami auriculares anteriores - 耳前支

intercostal branchex; rami intercostalex - 肋間支

muscular branches; rami musculares - 肌支

rami hepatici - 肝支

rami subscapulares; subscapular branches - 肩胛下支

anterior gastric branches; rami gastrici anteriores - 胃前支

rami suprarenales; suprarenal branches - 腎上腺支

posterior gastric branches; rami gastrici posteriores - 胃後支

pancreatic branches; rami pancreatici - 胰支

rami thymici; thymic branches - 胸腺支

rami spinsales; spinal branches - 脊支

rami lienales; splenic branches - 脾支

parotd branches; rami parotide - 腮腺支

rami ventrales; ventral branches - 腹側支


n.延髓支 - bulbar branches rami ad medullam

交通支 - communicating rami

n.跟內側支 - medial calcanean branches rami calcanei mediales

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