slack-off['slækɔf; -ɔ:f]n.[口語]減少;減弱;減緩
slack-off 變慢;
1.The Luxembourg-based company on Dec. 5 shut down much of the mill, laying off 300 workers, citing slack demand and low prices. 這家總部位於盧森堡的公司於去年12月5日關閉了該廠大部分業務,裁員300人,稱原因是需求疲弱、產品價格低。
2.Bryant certainly has the physical ability that would allow him to slack off in this department from time-to-time as so many players in the NBA do. 科比有很好的身體條件,這也許就可以允許他不時地放鬆懶散下,這也是很多NBA球員所做的事情。
3.After 8 years past, a company that produces slack of backward, popular feeling guides next walking out of in his predicament, become corps to name " comparatively well-off company " . 8年過去後,一個生產落後、人心渙散的連隊在他的帶領下走出困境,成為兵團命名的「小康連隊」。