TFO Tandem Free Operation;工具面角;Training For Organization;Two For One;TFO-NPs 納米粒子;Tfi-Tfo 溫差值;lenovo Ideapad V450G-TFO 聯想V450G-TFO;
1.The final solution to improve control, and extend sleeve life was to furnish the system with TFO back pressure devices. 而改善控制能力,延長套管使用壽命的最終解決方案則是為系統配置TFO回壓裝置。
2.By installing a TFO, back pressure was generated on the valve reducing the total pressure drop across the sleeve and eliminating damaging cavitation. 安裝了TFO後,在閥門上就產生了回壓,從而減少了穿過套管的壓降,從而消除了可能造成破壞的空穴。
3.Tfo enlarge mill already become the developmental tread, and accordingly there are huge development have gained in the aspect of mechanical structure of cement mill. 其中,球磨機大型化成為發展趨勢,並且相應地在水泥工業用球磨機的機械結構改進方面取得了很大的發展。