dexabbr. 電信電話公司電子交換器(Dendenkosha Electronic Exchange)
DEX 地塞米松;敏捷;靈巧;豬地塞米松;DEX DistantEarlyWarning 遠程預警;Ronan Dex 羅南-德克斯;dexamethasone Dex 地塞米松;Dextrose DEX 右旋糖、葡萄糖;
1.Flux_Diii. net : as for increasing blocking %, from equipment, apparently. since you can't just pump your dex now. 顯然要通過裝備來提高格擋,現在你不能自主的去加敏捷了。
2.Objective:To discuss nursing care of using pingyangmycin(PYM) and dexamethasone(Dex) injection to treat infantile perineal region hemangioma. 目的:探討平陽黴素和地塞米松聯合注射治療嬰幼兒會陰部血管瘤的護理。
3.And the team found that 53% of the pups born to the control females mice were male, but only 41% of those born to the mice receiving DEX were male. 結果,對照組中的母鼠(沒有服用藥物)生下的小鼠有53%都是雄性,而試驗母鼠(服用藥物)剩下的小鼠只有41%是雄性。