n. evisceration
disembowelment[,disim'bauəl]n.disembowel的變形vt. 開…的膛,取出(或除出)…的內臟(或腸子等): 例句:The hunter disembowelled the antelope.獵人取出羚羊的內臟。去掉…的本質;取出內容之物: 例句:He disembowelled the television set.他拆取電視機的零件。變形: disemboweled或elled , eling或elling
1.Traditionally, the monks who can't complete the task must take their own lives either by hanging or disembowelment. 按傳統,不能跑完「啟迪之路」的僧人要付出生命的代價,或是吊死,或是剖腹。
2.Suicide by disembowelment was favoured because it was slow and painful and therefore demonstrated courage, self-control, and strong resolve. 他們喜歡採用這一自殺方式是因為切腹進行緩慢,極度痛苦,因此能夠證明勇氣、自制力和堅定的決心。
3.a japanese right-wing nationalist stabbed himself in the stomach monday outside the parliament building in an apparent suicide attempt by ritual seppuku disembowelment, police said. 警方稱,一名日本右翼民族主義分子週一在日本議會大樓前用刀刺入自己的腹部,明顯具有剖腹自殺的企圖。