n. haliotis tuberculata ,sea-ear
ormer['ɔ:mə]n. 鮑魚(等於abalone)
ormer 石決明;九孔;鮑螺;高壓變壓器;Ormer Balls 清湯鮑魚丸;CPT CONTROL POWER TRANSF ORMER 控制電源變壓器;BCT BUSHING CURRENT TRANSF ORMER 套管電流互感器;Braised Ormer Chest with Tricholoma Matsutake 鮑脯扒松茸;
1.Inscriptions shell kind the appropriate such as keel, ostracean, magnet, ormer, mother-of-pearl, tortoise plastron, turtle shell first decoct; 金石介殼類的龍骨、牡蠣、磁石、石決明、珍珠母、龜板、鱉甲等宜先煎;
2.Former communist states are the keenest advocates of NATO expansion from its old transatlantic position towards the Black Sea and even, one day, to the Caspian Sea. 北約的勢力範圍已經從原有的大西洋彼岸擴大到了黑海地區,甚至有一天可能會到達裡海地區,而這些前共產主義國家正是北約擴張最熱心的擁護者。
3.Back in town hand in everything you have completed except "Ormer's Revenge" which we will hand in during the next run. Don't get any follow up yet, we also get them the next run. 回到米港還所有身上已完成的任務除了「奧莫爾的復仇」我們將會在下一次的執行任務中再還此任務,不要接任何其他的後續任務,我們會在下一次的執行任務中再接。