rttabbr. 循環時間(Round-Trip Time);無線傳輸技術(Radio Transfers Technology);無線電電傳打字電報機(radioteletype)
RTT 無線傳輸技術;往返時間;時間;Round-Trip Time;economic rtt 經濟租金;RTT variance 估算初始往返時間偏差;RTT - 紅外線跟蹤系統,輻射跟蹤換能器;平均響應時間;RTT Radioteleprinter 無線電傳打字機;
1.It would become a RTT on the upper reaches of the Changjiang River. A logistics zone should be built to serve this port. 其建成將成為長江上游水運裝卸中心,有必要為其建設專門的物流園區為其配套服務。
2.Based on kinematic analysis of 3-RTT parallel mechanism, the velocity equation and analytical expression of Jacobin Matrix are established. 基於3-RTT並聯機構運動學分析,建立該並聯機構的速度方程和雅可比矩陣的解析表達式。
3.Based on the LS algorithm, the mobile packet routing is implemented using the propagation mode of D BF algorithm and the global routing topology table (RTT). 基於鏈路-狀態算法,採用距離-矢量算法的傳播方法和全局的路由拓撲表,實現了移動分組無線網的抗毀式路由協議。