tela['ti:lə]n. (拉)組織;紗布
tela 組織;影視及娛樂事務管理處;Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority;日老越;chorioid tela 脈絡組織;tela chorioidea 脈絡組織;tela subendocardiaca 釋義:心內膜下組織;Arctic Tela 小白熊歷險記;
1.The site was set up after TELA classified two issues of a Chinese University student publication as indecent. 網站在影視處將兩期中大學生報列為不雅後創立。
2.Enforcement of the COIAO(Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance) is the joint responsibility of the Police, C&ED and TELA. 《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》是由警方、香港海關及影視處共同負責執行。
3.A spokesperson for Hong Kong's Television and Entertainment Licensing authority (TELA) said it had received 838 complaints about the Bible. 香港影視及娛樂事務管理處一名發言人說,該處已接獲838件關於聖經的投訴。
tela subendocardiaca - 心內膜下組織
subserous tissue; tela suvserosa - 漿膜下組織
tela choroidea of fourth ventricle - 第四腦室脈絡組織
submucous layer; tela submucosa - 粘膜下層
submucous tissue; tela submucosa - 粘膜下組織
subserous coat of gallbladder; tela subserosa vesicae felleae - 膽囊漿膜下組織