isoprothiolane 稻瘟靈;甲基胺基甲酸酯(稻瘟靈、亞賜圃);稻瘟靈,富士一號;ISOPROTHIOLANE STANDARD 稻瘟靈標準品;Fujione isoprothiolane 富士一號(殺菌劑);
1.A practical and accurate method for the determination of a fungicide mixture(thiram+metalaxyl+isoprothiolane) by xanthogenate method and GLC was devel-oped. 本文采用了黃原酸鹽法和氣相色譜法測定了一種殺菌混劑中福美雙、甲霜靈和稻瘟靈的含量。
2.Growth rate method was used to test resistance to Fuji-one, isoprothiolane in 175 effective isolates of Magnapothe grisea, which collected from 26 counties in Guizhou Province. 採用生長速率法測定了呆自貴州省26個縣(市)不同年份稻瘟病標樣175個稻瘟病菌單孢菌株對稻瘟靈的抗藥性。
3.Growth rate method was used to test resistance to isoprothiolane (IPT) in 146 isolates of Mag napothe grisea, from more than 200 disease samples of 20 counties in Guizhou province. 對來自貴州省20個縣(市)200餘份稻瘟病標樣上的146個單孢菌株採用生長速率法測定了稻瘟病菌對稻瘟靈的抗藥性。