Celebrities Blog 名人博客;GIL BLOG 大聲展博客;Blog Hosting 博客托管;網志托管;Moms BLOG 媽媽BLOG精選;My Blog 我的博客;日誌;宇無倫次;我的網絡日記;
1.Blog Ladder. com - All blog entries show up on the main ladder as well as inside your own blog. 所有博客條目顯示在主階梯以及自己的博客內。
2."Blog diaries written by product endorsers" is a new form of advertising promotion as blog becomes more popular in Internet world than ever. 隨著網志成為網路世界的新寵兒,一種新型態的廣告「代言人網志日記形式廣告」也應運而生。
3.Everything from "death blog, " Speaking of, called "the migratory birds fly north, " the blog of the case load all the secrets. 一切都要從「死亡博客」說起,這個名為「北飛的候鳥」的博客承載了本案所有的秘密。
4.The blog takes advantage of rapidness, accumulating and sharing with others. However, the commentation and the interaction between the blog and the users are not so good as what we had imagined. 從實際使用效果看,博客在及時性、累積性、共享性和操作性等方面較充分地發揮了博客所具有的優勢,然而,學科博客在互動性上略顯不足。
5.At the same time there is a blog advantage is the high repeat rate of transmission, like a blog of people compare fixed, repetitive transmission rate to achieve 90 per cent. 同時博客還有一個優勢就是重複傳播率高,喜歡某個博客的人群比較固定,重複傳播率能達到90%。