gruss[grʌs]n. 碎砂礫堆積;花崗岩碎礫
gruss 花崗岩碎礫 碎砂礫堆積;花崗岩碎礫;碎砂礫堆積;花崗岩碎礫 碎砂礫堆積;Peter Gruss 彼得·格魯斯;馬普學會主席格魯斯;Gruss Partners 格魯斯夥伴基金;
1."Gruss Gott Fraulein Maria" six voices echoed in unison. Sixperfectbows followed. 「瑪麗亞小姐,您好!」六個孩子齊聲說道,接著又一本正經地鞠了六個躬。
2.Gruss won't countenance such a slapdash approach to child safety. Not on her watch. "It's a sad fact, " she said. "Kinder Surprise eggs have to go. " 葛魯斯不贊成涉及兒童安全的這樣的草率決定。並不是出於她的願望。她說,「這是一個可悲的事,金德驚喜蛋不得不消失。」
3.For a bit more insight, it pays to examine the dollar's relationship with stocks in the recent past, something that Oscar Gruss Chief Executive Michael Shaoul did in a trading note Tuesday. 要想對此有更深入的瞭解,不妨研究一下前段時間美元與股市的關係,美國券商OscarGruss的首席執行長紹烏爾(MichaelShaoul)在週二的交易報告中談到了這個問題。