





n. confidential information ,current of air ,idle words ,wind instrumentv. curve ,meander ,nose ,roll


v. unroll ,unwind ,wind off


wind[wind]vt. 纏繞;上發條;使彎曲;吹號角;繞住或纏住某人vi. 纏繞;上發條;吹響號角n. 風;呼吸;氣味;捲繞


Wind 快進;風;四陣風;萬得資訊;land wind 陸風;岸風;釋義:陸風;岸風, 離岸風;wind load 風荷載;風荷重;風壓負載;樓宇所承受的風力;trade wind 信風;貿易風;信風貿易風;貿易風 貿易風;wind shield 擋風玻璃;風擋;擋風裝置;擋風板;


1.「Is he OK?」「Yeah, I think he is just winded.」 「他沒事吧?」「沒事,我想他只是呼吸有點急促。」

2.You know tornado? Also a big wind. 你知道龍捲風?也是一種大風。

3.The north wind howled around our cabin. 北風在我們小屋的周圍怒號。


Of easy wind and downy flake. - 徐風掠過和細雪紛飛。

When the wind blows, - 風兒輕輕吹

We can't fly our kites any more because the wind has stopped. - 由於風靜止,所以已經沒法放風箏了。

The wind was so strong last night that it blew down that tree. - 昨晚的風強勁到刮倒了那棵樹。

A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire. - 適可而止,過猶不及。

A straw shows which way the wind blows. - 一葉便知秋。

It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. - 使人人倒霉的風才是惡風;此失則彼得;害於此則利於彼;沒有使所有的人都受害的壞事。

It is as well to know which way the wind blows. - 識時務者為俊傑。

Sail while the wind blows; wind and tide wait for no man. - 駛船要乘風,風潮不等人。

Straws show which way the wind blows. - 草動示風向。

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. - 一陣大風把床從屋頂上刮了下來,把它摔碎在下面的院子裡。

Oddly shaped forms that are suspended form the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody. - 人們所熟悉的是懸掛在天花板上、造型奇特、隨風飄蕩的雕塑品。

You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey. - 如果海風驅使它們飛行很長距離,你可以撿到一些因筋疲力盡而摔下來的鷓鴣。

As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port. - 當風力增強時,突然刮來一陣大風,瓦薩號奇怪地搖晃了一下,便向左舷傾斜。

The wind then speaks the message of the sun to the sea and the sea transmits it on through waves. - 然後,風把太陽的信息帶給了大海,然後,風把太陽的信息帶給了大海。

There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. - 淮河以北地區有一股強風。

Light the fire not so near the entrance that the wind will blow the fire out, and not so far in that the smoke will fill the cave, said my brother. - 「不要太靠近洞口點火,風會把火吹滅的;也不要太靠裡面,那樣煙會充滿山洞的,」我弟弟說,


trade wind inversion - 信風逆溫

wind transmission; windtransmission - 化風

externan wind and cold - 外感風寒

wind syndrome of head - 頭風

mild wind syndrome - 微風

n. wind resistant welding - 抗風焊

controlled wind speed - 控制風速

expelling wind and alleviating pain - 搜風止痛

arresting wind and expelling cold; expel wind and cold - 搜風逐寒

depression of the liver wood causes wind syndrome - 木郁化風

wind conveyer - 氣力式輸送機

barotrauma; wind contusion; windage; windcontusion - 氣壓傷

alming wind and eliminating phlegm; calming wind and eliminating phlegm - 治風化痰

calming the endopathic wind and removing heat - 熄風清熱

dispelling wind and heat from the body - 疏散風熱

dispelling mild wind and promoting eruption - 疏負透疹

expelling wind and cold pathogens - 疏風散寒

dispeling wind and removing heat; dispelling wind and removing heat - 疏風洩熱

intestinal flatus from anus; wind from bowels - 矢氣

eliminate the wind and enrich the blood - 祛風養血

expel wind and cold; expel wind evil and clear away cold - 祛風散寒

apoplectoid syndrome; apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil - 類中風

gastroentro pancreaticendocrinium; gorge; pl ventriculi; stomach; ventriculus; wind syndrome of the stomach - 胃

headache caused by pathogenic wind; wind syndrome of head - 腦風

n. wind furnace - 自然通風式爐

stirring-up of endopathic wind of deficiency type - 虛風內動

ebdopathic wind due to blood deficiency; endopathic wind due to blood deficiency; endopathic wind from blood deficiency - 血虛生風

migratory arthralgia; wind arthralgia - 行痺

wind like - 像風似的

evil wind; harmful wid; harmful wind or evil wind - 賊風

mild wind syndrome - 輕度風症

n. wind furnace - 通風式爐

wind weed - 野草

wind pass - 風關

wind pressure - 風壓

wind direction - 風向

wind vane - 風向標

wind rose - 風向頻率圖

wind and cold; wind cold; windcold - 風寒

wind cold dsmpness; windcolddsmpness - 風寒濕

arthralgia due to wind cold-dampness; arthralgia due to wind-cold-dampness - 風寒濕痺

wind cold dampness; windcolddampness - 風寒濕邪

wind cold; wind-cold pathogen; windcold - 風寒邪氣

Pathogenic wind is apt to migrate and change - 風性善行而數變

apoplectic disease; wind stroke; windstroke - 風懿

wind stirring inside - 風氣內功

endogenous wind; wind stirring inside - 風氣內動

the wind stirs inside - 風氣通於肝

edema caused by wind; wind edema - 風水

diarrhea due to wind pathogen - 風瀉


n.治風化痰 - alming wind and eliminating phlegm

n.類中風 - apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil

n.搜風逐寒 - arresting wind and expelling cold

n.風寒濕痺 - arthralgia due to wind cold-dampness

n.太陽中風 - attack of taiyang channel by wind

n.惡風 - aversion to wind

n.放屁 - break wind

n.熄風 - calming the endopathic wind

n.熄風清熱 - calming the endopathic wind and removing heat

n.平肝熄風,鎮肝熄風 - calming the liver to stop the wind

n.治風化痰 - calming wind and eliminating phlegm

n.風濕相搏 - combination of wind and damp

n.風秘 - constipation due to pathogenic wind

n.控制風速 - controlled wind speed

n.風聾 - deafness due to pathogenic wind

n.木郁化風 - depression of the liver wood causes wind syndrome

n.風瀉 - diarrhea due to wind pathogen

n.疏負透疹 - dispelling mild wind and promoting eruption

n.疏風 - dispelling wind

n.驅風利濕 - dispelling wind and dampnes from the body

n.疏散風熱 - dispelling wind and heat from the body

n.疏風洩熱 - dispelling wind and removing heat

n.疏風 - dispellingmild wind

n.疏風洩熱 - dispeling wind and removing heat

n.風眩 - dizziness due to wind pathogen

n.風水 - edema caused by wind

n.血虛生風 - ebdopathic wind due to blood deficiency

n.祛風養血 - eliminate the wind and enrich the blood

n.風氣內動,內風 - endogenous wind

n.血虛生風 - endopathic wind due to blood deficiency

n.血虛生風 - endopathic wind from blood deficiency

n.沖風淚出,迎風流淚 - epiphora induced by wind

n.賊風 - evil wind

n.搜風逐寒,祛風散寒 - expel wind and cold

n.祛風散寒 - expel wind evil and clear away cold

n.驅風 - expelling pathogenic wind

n.除痰熄風 - expelling phlegm and stopping wind

n.搜風止痛 - expelling wind and alleviating pain

n.疏風散寒 - expelling wind and cold pathogens

n.外風 - exopathic wind

n.外感風寒 - externan wind and cold

n.風火相煽 - fire and wind stirring up each other

n.賊風 - harmful wind or evil wind

n.腦風 - headache caused by pathogenic wind

n.解表祛風 - inducing diaphoresis to dispel wind

n.傷風 - invasion by wind

n.微風,輕度風症 - mild wind syndrome

n.滋陰熄風 - nourish yin to calm the wind

n.養血熄風 - nourishing the blood to stop wind

n.滋陰熄風 - nourishing yin to calm the wind


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