hawing[hɔ:]n. 山楂,山楂果;吆喝牲畜左轉;瞬膜vi. 向左轉vt. 使向左轉
hawing 向左轉;gnawing pronounced hawing 持續痛巨痛;Discussion of the hawing voltag 中頻變頻器呃逆電壓現象的探析;a season for hymning and hawing 令人讚歎的季節;
1.Days of humming, hawing and after-youing were at an end, and the people had a champion. 這一決定終於結束了連日以來的猶豫不決和甘為人後,使人民有了自己的領袖。
2.Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go. 別坐在那兒猶豫了,你答應過陪我出去吃飯的,快去換衣服,我們走吧。
3.Mr Williams was humming and hawing about which party he was going to vote for. He obviously didn't want to say. 威廉姆斯先生拿不定主意該投哪個政黨的票,顯而易見他不想說出來。