herefrom[hiə'frɔm]adv. 從此;由此
herefrom 從此;herefrom abandons the faith 從此棄信背約 千山鳥飛絕;herefrom we broke the relations 從此 我們斷了來往;I would rather the universe herefrom disappears 我寧願宇宙從此消失;Worry about that the flower blooms to spend an assured source of life herefrom no longer 擔憂花兒的開放 會耗費生命恆久的光芒;
1.My dear Xiao is a passerby herefrom. 侯門一入深似海,從此蕭郎是路人。
2.I give you a first name , I call you "daughter herefrom green ", good? 我送你一個名字,我從此叫你「女兒綠」,好麼?
3.The heavens Nvwa, she uses the soil to make up into a clay child, and gives them life . Herefrom, Nvwa has created person. People has happiness life. 天上的女媧,用泥土做成泥娃娃,再賦予它們生命。從此女媧創造了人,人們世世代代繁衍生息,過著幸福的生活。