n. assortment ,florilegium ,garland ,miscellanea
miscellany[mi'seləni, 'misəleini]n. 雜錄,雜集;混雜;混合物
miscellany 雜物;雜集;混和物;雜項討論;Shanghai Miscellany 中外雜誌;miscellany olio 雜集;medley miscellany olio salmagundi 雜錄;a miscellany of men 雜人;
1.Eastern Miscellany, the magazine with longest history before the liberalization of China was labeled as the "conservative" force due to this debate. 《東方雜誌》是解放前辦刊歷史最長的一份雜誌,因為這場論戰而被認為是「保守的」的反動勢力。
2.Now and again he reached out and added a bundle of checks to the flying miscellany that soared through the roof and out of sight in a tremendous circle. 上了漿的襯衫、和稿子,還不時伸手加一扎支票到飛旋的行列中去。那些東西穿出房頂,飛成一個極大的圓圈消失了。
3.Time has given this miscellany the patina of reputability, but it has not given us the right to be sniffy about parallel developments that we catch in an earlier phase. 時光賦於此種混雜(指西洋樂團)古色古香的信譽,但這並不賦於我們對這早期的平行發展嗤之以鼻的權利。