





n. apprehension ,collar ,halt ,hitchv. collar ,contain ,get ,halt


arrest[ə'rest]vt. 逮捕;阻止;吸引n. 逮捕;監禁


arrest 拘捕、逮捕;扣留;逮捕;抑制;crack arrest 止裂;裂紋停滯;arrest warrant 逮捕證;逮捕令(證);逮捕證,通緝令;逮捕證,通緝令 逮捕證,通緝令;arrest toughness 止裂韌度;Arrest Mugger 逮捕街頭劫匪徒;


1.The police arrested him for(或on charges of) murder. 警察因他行兇殺人而將他拘捕。

2.We will spread ourselves across the Planet so that no one can arrest our thoughts. 我們將在這顆行星上傳播我們的思想沒有人能夠逮捕我們的思想。

3.We will spread ourselves across the Planet so that no one can arrest our thoughts. 我們將在這顆行星上傳佈我們的思想,沒有人能夠拘捕我們的思想。


Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.' - 當然,我們應該逮捕它,但由於它一貫表現很好,這次我們饒了它。

The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, - 警察被召來了,但他們卻不能逮捕任何人,


promoting expectoration to arrest convulsion; promoting expectoration to arrest convusion - 墜痰鎮驚

sudden arrest of heart - 心搏驟停

anacmesis; anakmesis; arrest of maturation - 成熟受阻

n. crack arrest fracture toughness - 抑止裂紋斷裂韌性

astringing to arrest diarhea - 收斂止瀉

astringing to arrest bleeding; hemostasis with astringents - 收澀止血

arresting persistent cough; astringe the lung; astringing the lung to arrest persistent cough - 斂肺

acesodyne; alleviating pain; anodyne; arrest pain; assuaging pain - 止痛

arrest acid regurgitation and reduce phlegm - 止酸化痰

curing dysentery to arrest hematochezia - 治痢止血

nourishing the lung to arrest cough - 潤肺上咳

warming the middle-jiao to arrest vomiting - 溫中止嘔

regeneration of the tissue and arrest of bleeding - 生薑

n. crack arrest fracture toughness - 破裂停止斷裂韌性

n. crack arrest temperature - 破裂停止溫度

anoxic cardiac arrest method - 缺氧心搏停止法

n. arrest point - 駐點

arrest of bone marrow - 骨髓抑制


n.缺氧心搏停止法 - anoxic cardiac arrest method

n.斂肺 - astringing the lung to arrest persistent cough

n.收澀止血 - astringing to arrest bleeding

n.收斂止瀉 - astringing to arrest diarhea

n.心房停頓 - atrial arrest

心房停搏 - auricular arrest

n.天平盤托 - balance pan arrest

n.心搏停止,心動停止 - cardiac arrest

心停止劑 - cardiac arrest drug

n.心舒期停跳 - cardiac diastolic arrest

n.心跳呼吸驟停 - cardiopulmonary arrest

n.心肺停止 - cardiopumonary arrest

n.循環驟停 - circulatory arrest

n.治痢止血 - curing dysentery to arrest hematochezia

深部橫定位 - deep transverse arrest

n.發育停頓 - developmental arrest

n.舒張期停跳,舒張性停止 - diastolic arrest

n.雜交扣留 - hybridization arrest

誘導性心臟停滯 - induced heart arrest

成熟停止 - maturation arrest

中期終止,中期阻止 - metaphase arrest

n.混合性呼吸暫停 - mixed respiratory arrest

n.潤肺上咳 - nourishing the lung to arrest cough

n.梗阻性呼吸暫停 - obstructive respiratory arrest

n.盆腔停滯,盆腔阻滯 - pelvic arrest

n.墜痰鎮驚 - promoting expectoration to arrest convulsion

n.墜痰鎮驚 - promoting expectoration to arrest convusion

n.生薑 - regeneration of the tissue and arrest of bleeding

呼吸停止,呼吸止停 - respiratory arrest

n.心跳呼吸驟停復甦術 - resuscitation of cardiopulmonary arrest

n.房竇停止 - sinus arrest

呼吸停止期 - stage of respiratory arrest

n.心搏驟停 - sudden arrest of heart

n.心臟驟停 - sudden cardiac arrest

n.收縮期心跳停止 - systolic cardiac arrest

n.橫阻 - transverse arrest

n.心室顫動或心臟停搏 - ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest

n.溫中止嘔 - warming the middle-jiao to arrest vomiting


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