Nerchinsk 尼布楚;涅爾琴斯克;Nerchinsk aquamarine 涅辛斯克海藍寶石;Nerchinsk beryl 涅辛斯克綠寶石;Nerchinsk Zavod 尼布楚札伏(尼欽斯克札伏);Nerchinsk rubellite 涅辛斯克紅碧璽;
1.In the summer of 1689 Russian and Manchu delegations met at Nerchinsk. 1689年夏,俄國和清廷的代表在涅爾琴斯克(尼布楚)會面。
2.Quickly surrendering, the survivors again returned to Nerchinsk, taking along a beloved icon of the Virgin Mary. 剩下的俄軍隨即投降,倖存者返回涅爾琴斯克,帶回的還有一幅聖母瑪利亞的畫像。
3.Quickly surrendering, the survivors again returned to Nerchinsk, taking along a beloved icon of the Virgin Mary. 這幫人馬上投了降,倖存者重新回到尼布楚,隨身帶走的還有聖母瑪利亞像。