hankown. 漢口(中國一成市,位於長江中游)
Hankow 武漢;漢口(中國中東部一大都市,位於長江中游);Hankow Rd 漢口道;Hankow Road 漢口路;漢口道;Hankow Ctr 漢口中心;Canton-Hankow railway 粵漢鐵路;
1.This afternoon two American gun-boats and three Japanese torpedo-boats left for Hankow under urgent orders, though I don't know what for. 今天下午,有兩條花旗炮艦,三條東洋魚雷艇,奉到緊急命令,開漢口去,不知道為什麼。
2.After two days in the Shayang dock, Dad set out with two other foreigners to find the telegraph office and send word to the British consulate in Hankow. 在沙洋碼頭二天後,爸爸和二個外國人一起開始尋找電報局並向漢口的英國領事發報。
3.The dissertation mainly discusses the trade development of Hankow Port and the interactive relationship of economic changes with its hinterland after its opening. 本文主要探討近代開埠後漢口港的貿易發展及其與腹地之間經濟關係的互動變遷。