





n. poisonous substance ,toxicantv. envenom


poison['pɔizən]vt. 污染;使中毒,放毒於;敗壞;阻礙vi. 放毒,下毒n. 毒藥,毒物;酒;有毒害的事物;抑制劑adj. 有毒的


Poison 有毒/毒品;毒藥;毒品;有毒物品;Poison Javelin 毒槍;毒之槍——毒槍;毒標槍;有毒標槍;Poison Prince 毒藥王子;septic poison 腐敗毒;bacterial poison 細菌毒藥;細菌毒物;


1.His wife poisoned him with arsenic. 他妻子用砒霜把他毒死了。

2.Like the poison in her arm. 有如毒藥在她的臂彎中。

3.Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 猜疑是真誠友誼的一副毒劑。


One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. - 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。

Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup. - 縱然裝入金盃,毒藥還是毒藥。

Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. - 猜疑傷害莫逆之交。

How it came about that snakes manufactured poison is a mystery. - 蛇是怎樣產生毒液的,這是一個謎。

Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. - 蛇的唾液本來和我們人的消化液一樣柔和,但經過漫長的時間,演變成了今天仍無法分析清楚的毒液。

One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes, concocted poison of such extreme potency. - 然而,在脊椎動物中,大自然神秘模測地只選擇了蛇(還有一種蜥蜴),人們弄不清楚大自然為什麼在某些蛇的身上調製出如此高效的毒液來。

some snakes manufacture a poison different in every respect from that of others, - 有些蛇產生的毒液也在各方面與另外一些毒蛇產生的毒液不同,

and having different effects. One poison acts on the nerves, the other on the blood. - 不同毒蛇產生的毒液產生的效果不同,一種毒液作用於神經,另一種毒液作用於血液。

The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras and their venom is called neurotoxic. - 產生神經毒液的蛇有一種非洲樹眼鏡蛇和眼鏡蛇,它們的毒液稱為神經毒素。

It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula. - 據說,神經毒液在兩種毒液中是較為原始的一種,而溶血性毒液,打個比方說,是根據改良配方生產的一種較新的產品。

Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison. - 不過,神經毒辣液比溶血性毒液在人身上起作用快得多。

Snakes did not acquire their poison for use against man but for use against prey such as rats and mice, and the effects on these of viperine poison is almost immediate. - 因為蛇有毒液不是用來對付人的,而是對付它的獵物,諸如鼠類,毒液對這些獵物會立刻起作用。


damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy - 妊娠毒藥傷胎

poison material; toxic substance; n. poison - 有毒物質

poison isolation - 毒物分離

poison control center; toxicant control center - 毒物控制中心

poison registration - 毒物註冊

determination of poison concentration - 毒物濃度測定

poison gas; poisonous gas - 毒瓦斯

poison cell - 毒細胞

poison gland - 毒腺

conium maculatum; poison hemlock - 毒茴

poison bait - 毒餌


n.一種致命病毒 - a virulent poison

n.觸殺作用 - action of contact poison

n.烈性毒藥 - acrid poison

n.農業毒物 - agricultural poison

抗血液凝固毒 - anticoagulation poison

血液凝固毒 - blood coagulation poison

血液中毒 - blood poison

n.催化毒物,催化劑毒物 - catalyst poison

細胞毒 - cellular poison

n.毒物化學分析 - chemical analysis of poison

n.霍亂菌毒素 - cholera poison

n.接觸毒物 - contact poison

n.促成驚厥毒藥 - convulsant poison

n.腐蝕性毒物 - corrosive poison

n.解毒性毒素,抗毒劑 - counter poison

n.妊娠毒藥傷胎 - damage of the fetus by poison during pregnancy

毒藥 - deadly poison

n.毒物濃度測定 - determination of poison concentration

食物毒 - eating poison

發酵毒物 - ferment poison

河豚毒 - fugu poison

n.親肝毒物 - hepatotropic poison

n.毒物鑒定 - identification of poison

n.工業毒物 - industrial poison

n.無機毒物 - inorganic poison

n.同位素毒物 - isotope poison

n.金毒物 - metallic poison

n.微生物毒 - microbial poison

n.有絲分裂毒素,有絲分裂抑制劑 - mitotic poison

n.毒物監測 - monitoring of poison

菌毒 - mushroom poison

n.麻醉毒 - narcotic poison

天然毒素,天然毒物 - naturally occurring poison

n.神經毒劑 - nerve poison

神經性毒物 - nervous poison

n.有機毒物 - organic poison

植物毒素 - plant poison

前期抑制劑 - prophase poison

n.原漿毒素 - proplasmic poison

質生質毒 - protoplasmic poison

n.毒鼠藥,毒老鼠藥 - rat poison

n.牡蠣毒 - shellfish poison

n.紡綞體抑制劑 - spindle poison

n.胃毒劑 - stomach poison

n.服毒 - taking poison

n.蟾蜍毒 - toad poison

n.揮發性毒物 - volatile poison

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