a. rush
rushedadj. 匆忙的;貿然的v. 急忙(rush的過去式);匆促
rushed 匆忙的;匆忙;貿然的;rushed recovery 加快移臂動作;加快移臂或收腿動作:;加快移臂或收腿動作;Rushed China 錦繡中華;錦繡中華(伴奏);錦繡中華 (伴奏);pedestrians rushed 快步走;rushed to 衝過去,奔過去;
1.There's plenty of time,so we needn't rush at finishing the job. 還有的是時間,我們不必匆匆忙忙地趕完這件工作。
2.BBVA rushed to deny it too needed more capital. BBVA否認同樣需要更多資金,操之過急。
3.Occasionally, you will find the person too busy, too rushed to give you aid. 偶爾,你也會碰到有些人因太忙、太倉促而沒有能給你幫助。
People rushed to buy the shares. - 人們搶著購買股票。
They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. - 剛才,當她和孩子們正在森林邊上野餐的時候,這兩個人衝到她跟前,企圖搶走她的手提包。
we all rushed to see it. - 我們都趕緊跑去觀看。
Just as it was leaving, Mr.Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, - 就在轎車離開的時候,泰勒先生從店裡衝了出來,跟在車後追趕,一邊還往車上扔煙灰缸、花瓶。
On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more. I told Pierre. We rushed back to the palace and looked for it.We asked everyone there if they had found a necklace, but without luck. We couldn't find it; - 那天晚上在回家的路上,我低頭一看,發現項鏈不再掛在我的脖子上了。我告訴了比爾。我們馬上趕回王宮去尋找。我們詢問了那兒的每一個人,問他們是不是拾到了一條項鏈。可是,真倒霉。我們找不到那條項鏈;它丟失了。
At that time, gold was discovered in California and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold. - 當時有人在加利福利亞發現了黃金,於是成千上萬的人湧到那裡去尋找金子
It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet. - 最好在開始工作時就請人幫忙,而不是等到大學都忙得不可開交的時候。