n. cockspur ,dactylis glomerata ,orchard grass
cocksfoot 鴨茅;Cocksfoot mottle virus 釋義:鴨茅斑點病毒;Cocksfoot mosaic virus 釋義:鴨茅花葉病毒,鴨茅線條病毒;Cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus 釋義:鴨茅斑點南方豆花葉病毒;Cocksfoot streak virus 釋義:鴨茅花葉病毒,鴨茅線條病毒;
1.Cocksfoot was adapted to the environmental conditions, but relatively low in forage yield. 鴨茅類品種適應性雖然較強,但在本地條件下產量低;
2.A study was conducted on how different times of harvesting and methods of drying the cocksfoot affect the nutriment of the hay. 研究乾燥方法對鴨茅(不同生育階段)營養成分及其損失量的影響。
3.Cocksfoot is one of our deepest rooting grasses and, judged purely on a dry-matter basis, it is also one of our most productive species. 鴨茅草是扎根最深的一種草,純粹從干物質角度判斷,也是我們最豐產的草種之一。