designee[,deziɡ'ni:]n. 被指派者;被任命者
designee 指定人員;被指派者;被指名人;被指派者, 被任命者;designated agent designee 指定代理人;Is the sponsor or designee responsible for external communications 是否有發起人或指定負責人進行對外溝通;Is there a project sponsor or their designee identified 是否有項目發起人或其指定的委派者;
1.Earlier, ethics questions prompted Commerce Secretary-designee Bill Richardson to withdraw. 早些時候,種族問題曾促使貿易指派秘書比爾·理查森退出。
2.I'd welcome the opportunity to speak with you or a designee to see if and how I might be of help to you. 我希望能有機會和您,或者您所指派的人談談,來看看我是否對您有用,或者可能怎樣為您效勞。
3.Some roads or access ways may be restricted by signs for specific reason(s); use of such roads must be cleared through the RCM or designee. 有些道路或者進入通路應某些具體原因會在路口設置限制性標牌。使用這些道路必須通過RCM或者其指定人辦理專門手續。