





a. farseeing ,farsighted ,recollective ,retentivev. hanker ,yearn


a. forgetful ,short ,unretentive


Long[lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]n. 長時間;長音節adj. 長的;過長的;做多頭的vi. 渴望;熱望adv. 長期地;始終


long 長的;長整型;或是買進多於賣出;多頭,買空:「做多頭」即為通過買進期貨合約開始一個交易;Long rice 長米,較硬,煮前先泡一個小時;長米;長米(一種較硬的米,煮前需先泡一個小時);長米,較硬;long lasting 持久性;持久;(持久性;恆久性;long for 渴望;渴望,極想;嚮往;盼望;long before 在……以前很久;很久以前;早在…之前;早在;


1.And his shirt had a long slit. 他的襯衣上有一條細長裂縫。

2.No road is long with good company. 有好夥伴陪伴,沒有路是長的。

3.As long as loved, like be beautiful. 只要愛過,喜歡過就是美麗的。


I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. - 出差這麼久,終於要回家了,我想你一定很高興。

They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum. - 長命百歲。我記得上次去故宮,你特別喜歡書法。

How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination? - 我的信件到達目的地要多久?

How long are you going to stay here? - 您在這裡呆多久?

Did you make any long distance calls this morning, or did you sign for your breakfast? - 您今天早上沒有打長途電話或吃早餐記賬?

That's for a long distance call you make two nights ago. - 這是你兩天前打的一個長途電話的費用。

How long will you keep the car? - 這車你要用多久?

How long does it take? - 要花多久時間?

How long do you plan to stay with this company, if hired? - 如果被僱傭,你打算在這家公司呆多久?

How long do you intend to stay? - 你打算在這兒呆多久?

Will I have to wait for a long time? - 我得等很久嗎?

What's the long buildings? - 那座長形的建築是什麼?

How long will it take to get some more in from the factory? - 從工廠再運一些貨過來要多久?

Hi, Anita, long time no see. - 嗨,安妮塔,好久不見了。

I want to. I haven't paid for your dinner for a long time. - 我要做。我好久沒幫你付吃飯的錢了。

Yeah, it's been a long time. - 是啊,好久沒見面了。

A downpour like this never lasts long here at this time of year. - 這裡每年這個時間像這樣的大雨不會下得很久的。

Can you tell me about how long it'll take to get to...? - 你能告訴我到……有多遠嗎?

How long is this flight? - 這趟飛行有多長時間?

How long will this be on sale? - 這種商品減價時間有多久?

How long will this letter take to get there? - 這封信需要多長時間到那兒?

It won't take me long at all. - 不需要花很長時間的。

And if I think about it long enough, you never know ... - 如果我一直考慮下去的話 ,說不定……

Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. Pete Waters - 住在這兒差不多跟我一樣久了。

How long is it going to take for me to get there? - 到那裡還需要多久時間

and there's one person I haven't photographed in a long time. - 而有一個人我已經很久沒為她拍照了。

How long will it take to have this radio fixed? - 修理這收音機要多久?

I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. - 只要我們能在一起, 無論在哪兒我都能交到新朋友。

Well, it was great to see you again. Let's not wait this long next time. - 可以再見到你真是太好了,希望我們下次見面不用等這麼久。

I can let you go, as long as you can finish this task by the deadline. - 我可讓你走,只要你在最後的限期前完成任務。

Before a long trip I always give my car a safety check. - 遠行之前,我總是會對車子進行安全檢查。

There's a long way to go in reviving the countr's economy. - 這個國家的經濟復甦還有很長一段路要走。

I can assure you that as long as you stay at home, you're safe. - 我可向你保證,只要你呆在家裡就會很安全。

It doesn't take long for most pop icons to become yesterday's news. - 大多數偶像明星很快就會成為昨日黃花。

In Thailand we greet strangers as long lost friends. - 在泰國我們跟陌生人像失去聯絡好久的老朋友一樣打招呼。

Sometimes, by buying something cheap now, you will be costing yourself more in the long run. - 有時候你花了很少錢買了便宜貨,但它日後可能要花掉更多的錢。

I haven't seen you for a long time. - 很久沒見了。

How long have you known her? - 你認識她多久了?

This has been a long day. - 這是個漫長的一天。

How long does your vacation last? - 你的假期有多長?

To get ahead you'll have to work long hours and take short vacations. - 要想出人頭地,你必須多工作少休假。

How long has he held office? - 他已任職多長時間了?

How long does it take you to get through a letter? - 你寫一封信要花多少時間?

How long do you intend to stay there? - 你打算在那停留多久?

I gave that idea up a long time ago. - 我很久以前就放棄了那個想法了。

If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? - 你打算給我們工作多久?

As long as my position here allows me to learn. - 只要我的職位允許我學習。

Have you been waiting for me for a long time? - 你已經等我很久了嗎?

It's been a long time. - 好久不見了。

How long have you been studying English? - 你學了多長時間的英語了?


arteria centralis longa; long central artery - 中央長動脈

laceration of long head of biceps - 二頭肌長頭裂傷

long pollical extensor tenorrhaphy - 伸拇長肌腱縫合術

congenital dysplasia of long bone - 先天性長骨結構不良

congenital duplication of long bone - 先天性長骨重複畸形

in long cflothes - 在襁褓中

long muscle of head; musculus longus capitis - 頭長肌

gyrus longus insulae; long gyrus of insula - 島長回

take a long period of time to heal - 癒合慢

chronic toxicity test; long term toxicity test - 慢性毒性試驗

tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb - 拇長伸肌腱鞘

long flexor muscle of thumb; musculus flexor pollicis longus - 拇長屈肌

long abductor muscle of thumb - 拇長展肌

long palmar muscle; musculus palmaris longus - 掌長肌

long cat - 朗氏貓

long arm of chromosome - 染色體長臂

fine and downy hair of the skin; long hair of the eyebrow; vellus; vellus hair - 毫毛

long term effect of pollutant - 污染源

long posterior - 睫後長動脈

long root of ciliary ganglion; radix longa gangliiciliaris - 睫狀神經節長根

crus longum incudis; long limb of incus - 砧骨長腳

long levator muscles of ribs; muscule levatores costarum longi - 肋長提肌

long axis of mesentery - 腸系膜長軸

long thoracic nerve; nervus thoracicus longus - 胸長神經

excessively long cord; extreme long of umbilical cord - 臍帶過長

bells nerve; long thoracic nerve; nervus thoracalis longus - 貝爾氏神經

extra long insertion forceps - 超長插入鑷

long extensor muscle of toe; musculus extensor digitorum longus - 趾長伸肌

long flexor muscle of toe; musculus flexor digitorum longus - 趾長屈肌

food for long voyage - 遠航食品

long process of malleus - 錘骨長突

long persistence screen - 長餘輝螢光屏

n. long chisel - 長鑿子

n. long spatula - 長刮刀

n. long spatula - 長刮杓

n. long spatula - 長刮鏟

n. long sword - 長劍

long half-life - 長半衰期

long feed-back - 長反饋

n. long period stacking structure - 長週期堆垛結構

long period interspersion - 長週期散佈

n. long period superlattice structure - 長週期超格子結構

long scarf syndrome - 長圍巾綜合征

dolichopelvia; long pelvis - 長型骨盆

long summer - 長夏

n. long hole drilling - 長孔鑽

long sharped - 長尖形的

n. long size covered electrode - 長尺寸覆蓋型電極

long type dissecting dnife - 長形解剖刀

long adductor muscle; musculus adductor longus - 長收肌


n.先天性長骨重複畸形 - congenital duplication of long bone

n.先天性長骨結構不良 - congenital dysplasia of long bone

長期經過 - course of long duration

n.臍帶過長 - excessively long cord

n.超長插入鑷 - extra long insertion forceps

n.臍帶過長 - extreme long of umbilical cord

n.長頸細口圓底燒瓶 - flask with round bottom and long neck

n.遠航食品 - food for long voyage

n.在襁褓中 - in long cflothes

n.二頭肌長頭裂傷 - laceration of long head of biceps

n.長柄根管銼 - root canal file with long bandle

n.長間距節段 - segment long spacing

n.拇長伸肌腱鞘 - tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb

n.癒合慢 - take a long period of time to heal

過長月經 - too long menstruation

過長臍帶 - too long umbilical cord

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