a. in operation ,operational
operating['ɔpəreitiŋ]adj. 操作的;外科手術的v. 操作(operate的ing形式);動手術
operating 運營,營運;營業,經營;操作;操作的;OPERATING INCOME 業務收入;營業收入;營業收益;營運收入;operating condition 運行狀態;工況;運行條件;使用狀態操作條件運轉工況;operating voltage 工作電壓;操作電壓;工詛壓;作業電壓;Operating costs 主營業務成本;營業費,經營成本;生產費用,營業成本;營業成本;
1.For data transfer to begin, the source and destination applications inform the operating systems that a connection will be initiated. 當資料傳送要開始時,來源和目的地的應用程式通知作業系統,有一個連接將開始。
2.Without the operating system, none of the application programs on your computer system can run; in fact, the computer would not function. 如果沒有操作系統,計算機環境裡的任何應用程序都不能運行;事實上,計算機將失去作用。
3.Friends in the door, to introduce a motor vehicle standards, including operating systems, communication systems, network management, etc. 朋友門,給大家介紹一個汽車的標準,包括操作系統,通信系統,網絡管理等。
The nurse assisted the doctor in the operating room. - 護士在手術室協助醫生動手術。
universal operating table - 萬能手術台
maxillary sinus operating instruments set - 上頜竇手術刀包
child orthopaedic operating table - 兒童骨科手術台
aural speculum; operating otoscope - 內耳手術耳鏡
cold-light operating lamp - 冷光手術燈
general operating instruments - 基本外科手術器械
major operating instrument set - 大型外科器械包
major operating table - 大型手術台
gynecologic operating instruments - 婦科手術器械
uterus cancer operating instruments set - 子宮癌手術刀包
n. pilot pin operating limit switch - 定位銷操縱的極限開關
n. pilot pin operating limit switch - 導向銷限動開關
urethral operating instruments set - 尿道手術器械包
operating pressure - 工作電壓
operating light with camera - 帶照相機手術燈
lancet; operating knife; surgical knife - 手術刀
operating knife handle; surgical knife handle - 手術刀柄
operating reflect lamp - 手術反光燈
operating table; operation table - 手術台
controlling device of operating table - 手術台操縱機構
operating table pillow - 手術台用枕
attachment for operating table - 手術台輔助裝置
operating instrument set - 手術器械包
operating room - 手術室
operating table - 手術床
operating glowe - 手術手套
operating microscope - 手術顯微鏡
operating chair - 手術椅
operating lamp - 手術燈
operating lamp - 手術照明燈
watedrproof surgical operating suit - 手術用防水衣
operating electrode; surgical electrode - 手術電極
operating speculum - 手術窺鏡
operating cystoscope - 手術膀胱鏡
operating coat; operating gown - 手術衣
operating forceps - 手術鉗
operating vaginal speculum - 手術陰道窺鏡
receiver operating characteristic - 接受器工作特徵
operating pressure - 操作壓力
operating variable - 操作變量
operating temperature - 操作溫度
operating sequence; operation sequence - 操作程序
operating manual - 操作說明書
operating scissors - 普通手術剪
maximum allowable operating temperature - 最大允許操作溫度
silky light operating lamp - 柔光手術燈
standard operating procedure; standardoperatingprocedure - 標準手術程序
standard operating procedure; standardoperatingprocedure - 標準操作程序
laminectomy operating set - 椎板截除手術刀包
oil hydraulic operating table - 油泵式手術台
n.手術台輔助裝置 - attachment for operating table
n.腦外科刀包 - brain operating instruments set
n.腦外科手術床 - cerebral operating table
n.頸部手術器械刀包 - cervical operating set
n.兒童骨科手術台 - child orthopaedic operating table
n.冷光手術燈 - cold-light operating lamp
n.手術台操縱機構 - controlling device of operating table
n.膀胱鏡手術器械包 - cystoscope operating set
n.電操作參數 - electrical operating parameter
n.耳鼻喉科手術台 - ent operating table
n.篩竇手術包 - ethmoidal operating instruments set
n.簡易手術台 - fimplified operating table
n.基本外科手術器械 - general operating instruments
n.婦科手術器械 - gynecologic operating instruments
n.椎板截除手術刀包 - laminectomy operating set
n.大型外科器械包 - major operating instrument set
n.大型手術台 - major operating table
n.上頜竇手術刀包 - maxillary sinus operating instruments set
n.最大允許操作溫度 - maximum allowable operating temperature
n.鼻腔手術刀 - nasal operating knife
n.油泵式手術台 - oil hydraulic operating table
n.眼科手術床 - ophalmic operating table
n.接受器工作特徵 - receiver operating characteristic
n.鼻整形術刀包 - rhinoplastic operating instruments set
n.鼻中隔手術刀包 - septum operating instruments set
n.柔光手術燈 - silky light operating lamp
n.脊柱脊髓手術器械包 - spinal column and cord operating instruments set
n.標準操作程序,標準手術程序 - standard operating procedure
n.萬能手術台 - universal operating table
n.尿道手術器械包 - urethral operating instruments set
n.子宮癌手術刀包 - uterus cancer operating instruments set
n.手術用防水衣 - watedrproof surgical operating suit
n.連續變焦手術顯微鏡 - zoom operating micrscope