psatabbr. [心]學業能力傾向初步測驗(Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test)
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test;Power System Analysis Toolbox;Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test;高考預考;surgical PSAT 外科用壓敏膠帶;splicing PSAT 連接用壓敏膠帶;kraft PSAT 牛皮紙膠黏帶;masking PSAT 遮蔽用壓敏膠帶;
1.In the psat time, 曾經,在寒冬的荒野追逐雷鳥的獵人們,圍著篝火飲用的一杯。
2.There is PSAT test in 5th classrooms and Library at West High from 8am to 12 noon today. Please keep away from the area. Thank you for your cooperation! 西高中今日於上午八時至中午十二時在第五棟樓教室和圖書館內舉行PSAT考試,敬請所有學生、家長和教職員遠離考場並保持肅靜,謝謝大家的合作!
3.There will be PSAT test in 5th classrooms and Library at West High from 8am to 12 noon next Saturday 10/19/0
2. Please keep away from the area. Thank you for your cooperation! 西高中將於下周10/19/02上午八時至中午十二時在第五棟樓教室和圖書館內舉行PSAT考試,敬請所有學生、家長和教職員遠離考場並保持肅靜,謝謝大家的合作!