





n. harm ,hurt ,injury ,psychic trauma


trauman. 創傷(由心理創傷造成精神上的異常);外傷


trauma 外傷;創傷;心靈的傷;急救先鋒;Trauma ICU 外傷加護病房;brain trauma 腦創傷;head trauma 顱腦損;頭部外傷;釋義:頭部創傷;emotional trauma 情緒創傷;


1.No signs of any head trauma. 頭上沒有外傷的痕跡。

2.Objective To improve the early diagnosis and treatment of heart trauma. 目的提高心臟損傷早期診斷和治療水平。

3.Methods:The clinical data of 676 patients with bone trauma were analyzed. 方法:對676例創傷骨科病人的臨床資料進行分析。


trauma of breast - 乳腺外傷

trauma by other people - 他傷

trauma due to a fall - 墜墮傷

trauma due to a fall - 墜損

trauma from falling down - 墮墜

trauma of vulva - 外陰創傷

trauma of hand and foot - 手足傷損

damage; impairment of; lethal damage; trauma; trauma injury; traumatize - 損傷

trauma caused bybeating with bamboo stick - 板子傷

treating trauma and setting fractured bones - 理傷續斷

trauma of fascia - 筋膜損傷

injury of kidney; trauma of kidney - 腎損傷

trauma of gastrointestinal tract - 胃腸道創傷

trauma of biliary tract - 膽道創傷

trauma of biliary tract - 膽道損傷

trauma of spinal cord - 脊髓外傷

trauma of spleen - 脾創傷

trauma of vena cava - 腔靜脈損傷

trauma of abdomi nal wall - 腹壁創傷

trauma of abdomen - 腹部創傷

trauma of bladder - 膀胱外傷

trauma involving the intra-uterine fetus - 跌仆傷胎

trauma caused by trampling of animal - 踐踏傷

roller forceps; rollerforceps; trauma forceps - 輪式沙眼鑷

trauma of ureter - 輸尿管外傷

amputation trauma of penis - 陰莖切斷傷

trauma of penis - 陰莖外傷

old trauma of excess type - 陳傷實症

old trauma of deficiency type - 陳傷虛症

trauma of nose - 鼻外傷


n.聲損傷 - acoustic trauma

n.瀕死傷 - agonal trauma

n.陰莖切斷傷 - amputation trauma of penis

n.主動脈創傷 - aortic trauma

n.產傷 - birth trauma

n.腦外傷 - brain trauma

n.心臟創傷 - cardiac trauma

n.腐蝕傷 - caustic trauma

n.細胞損壞,細胞損傷 - cell trauma

n.腦創傷 - cerebral trauma

化學損傷 - chemical trauma

n.條件致命傷 - conditionally fatal trauma

n.顱腦外傷 - craniocerebral trauma

n.擠壓傷 - crush trauma

n.顱腦開放性操作清創術 - debridement of open craniocerebral trauma

n.觸摸法 - digital palpation for examination of trauma

n.直接外傷 - direct trauma

n.電流損傷 - electric trauma

n.致命傷,致死傷 - fatal trauma

n.杖傷 - flogging trauma

n.射擊傷 - gunshot trauma

頭部外傷 - head trauma

n.跌仆脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to trauma

n.致傷物認定 - identifcation of instrument causing trauma

n.生產性外傷 - industrial trauma

n.腹部內傷 - injury of adbominal viscera caused by trauma

n.刀傷 - knife trauma

n.肝創傷 - liver trauma

n.跌打腰痛 - lumbago due to trauma

n.損腰 - lumbar trauma

n.機械性創傷 - mechanical trauma

n.跌閃血崩,閃跌血崩 - metrorrhagia due to trauma

噪音損傷 - noise trauma

n.非致命傷 - nonfatal trauma

咬合性損傷 - occlusal trauma

n.偶然性死後傷 - occasional postmortem trauma

n.陳傷,老傷 - old trauma

n.陳傷虛症 - old trauma of deficiency type

n.陳傷實症 - old trauma of excess type

n.胰創傷 - pancreatic trauma

n.精神創傷 - psychic trauma

強姦外傷綜合征,強姦綜合征 - rape trauma syndrome

n.重複損傷 - repeated trauma

n.傷勢 - severity of the trauma

n.顱骨損傷 - skull trauma

燒傷 - thermal trauma

n.損傷時間推斷 - timing of trauma

n.理傷續斷 - treating trauma and setting fractured bones

n.尿道外傷 - urethral trauma

n.暴傷 - violent trauma


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