UHFabbr. 超高頻(Ultra High Frequency)
UHF 超高頻;特高頻;甚高頻;標籤;UHF tube 超高頻管;UHF Series UHF系列;UHF correlator 釋義:超高頻相關器,超高頻環形解調電路;特高頻相關器;RFID UHF 超高頻;
1.Owing to slow recessing and long travel distance of the UHF radio waves, this system can transmit the images in tunnel and implement active talk. 此系統利用無線高頻電波在隧道中衰減慢、傳輸距離遠的特性,實現了洞內圖像的傳輸和洞內、外語音交互。
2.The question raised by radio frequencies - microwaves or radio frequencies of the UHF or VHF band - was whether the electromagnetic could have a similar effect at very low levels. 無線電頻率,微波,或者超高無線電頻率(VHF)所帶來的疑問是電磁環境在非常低能量的狀態下是否也會引發類似的效果。
3.After relating the constitution and operation principle of UHF Satellite Water - regime Telemetry System, the paper presents the common troubles, as well as corresponding resolvents. 簡述了超短波、衛星水情遙測系統的組成及工作原理,介紹了超短波、工星混合組網系統中常見故障和處理方法。