decaturn. 迪凱特(地名,在美國田納西州東部)
Decatur 迪凱持;迪凱特;州迪凱特市;克特市;Decatur City 第開特城;Decatur House 狄卡特之屋;USS Decatur 德凱特;Decatur County 迪卡特縣;迪凱特縣;第開特縣;
1.Another guided missile cruiser, the USS Decatur, will be on hand for a possible second shot if the first attempt fails. 另外一艘導航艦艇是德凱特號驅逐艦將在一旁待命,為第一次發射失敗做即時準備。
2.My public safety director, Tommy Robinson, studied the Decatur situation and put in place stringent security measures to avoid a repeat. 我的公共安全主任托米。羅賓遜親自研究了迪凱特當時的情況,採取了嚴密的安全措施,避免了重蹈迪凱特的覆轍。
3.A city of northwest Alabama on the Tennessee River west-northwest of Decatur. Founded in 88, it is highly industrialized. Population, 3', 42'. 美國阿拉巴馬州西北部一城市,位於狄凱特西北偏西的田納西河畔。建於88年,是高度工業化城市。人口3',42'。