a. faecal ,feculent
fecal['fi:kəl]adj. 排泄物的;殘渣的;糟粕的
fecal 糞的;糞便的;糞便的渣滓的;糞便氣的;fecal incontinence 大便失禁;小關節;大Fecal urobilinogen 糞便尿膽元;釋義:糞尿膽素原;fecal sample 糞便樣本;fecal recremental 渣滓的;
1.Diarrhea may occur around the impaction and often with fecal incontinence. 在糞塊嵌塞期間可發生腹瀉,並常有大便失禁。
2.LIMITATIONS: The fecal sampling method is standardized, but the sample size depends on fecal consistency. 局限性:糞便取樣方法已經被標準化了,但是樣本大小取決於糞便的稠度。
3.Both the fecal coliform numbers given and the chlorination concentration mentioned are two primary water-quality indicators. 糞大腸菌群的測量數據以及下面提到的加氯濃度是兩種主要的水質指標。
urinary and fecal incontinence - 二便失禁
copremesis; fecal vomiting - 吐矢
watery diarrhea with fecal mass - 固瘕
encopresis; fecal incontinence - 大便失禁
fecal frequency - 大便次數
cough with fecal incontinence - 大腸咳
total fecal nitrogen - 總糞氮
defecation; dejection; fecal discharge - 排便
fecal pollution of water - 水糞便污染
openihngs with fecal and pruulent discharge - 漏出糞水的漏管
fecal impaction due to heat with watery discharge - 熱結旁流
fecal borne; fecalborne - 糞便傳播的
fecal impaction - 糞便嵌頓
fecal vomiting; sterciraceous vomiting - 糞便性嘔吐
fecal suspension - 糞便懸液
fecal sewage - 糞便污水
fecal fat - 糞便脂肪
fecal mass; scybalum - 糞塊
fecal ileus - 糞性腸梗阻
fecal fistula; stercoral fistula - 糞瘺
fecal abscess - 糞膿腫
fecal odor - 糞臭
fecal manganese - 糞錳
fecal incontinence - 肛門失禁
n.大腸咳 - cough with fecal incontinence
代謝性 - metabolic fecal nitrogen
n.漏出糞水的漏管 - openihngs with fecal and pruulent discharge
n.總糞氮 - total fecal nitrogen
n.二便失禁 - urinary and fecal incontinence
n.固瘕 - watery diarrhea with fecal mass