grasmeren. 格拉斯米爾(英格蘭坎布裡亞郡格拉斯米爾湖畔一村莊)
Grasmere 格拉斯米爾;格拉斯米爾湖;葛拉斯米爾;格拉斯密爾;Grasmere Lake 格拉斯米爾湖;葛拉斯米爾湖;the grasmere journal 格拉斯米爾日記;
1.Dove Cottage, in the former village of Grasmere, was the home of William Wordsworth from 799 to 80
8. The cottage is now a museum. 德夫·克塔吉,位於前格拉斯米爾村,從799年到808年是威廉姆·華茲華斯的家。
2.But it was spring in the North now, and Dorothy was living alone with her brother in a small cottage at Grasmere in the midst of the hills. 不過,這是北方的春天,而多羅茜和兄弟兩人就住在群山環繞的格拉斯米爾鎮上的小屋裡。
3.But it was spring in the North now, and Dorothy was living alone with her brother in a small cottage at Grasmere in the midst of the hills. 但現在北部正是春天,在群山之間的葛來斯彌小鎮上,多蘿西跟她的兄弟住一處小小農舍裡。