n. anovulant ,contraceptive pill ,lozenge ,tab
pill[pil]n. 藥丸;彈丸,子彈;口服避孕藥vt. 把…製成丸劑;使服用藥丸;搶劫,掠奪(古語)vi. 做成藥丸;服藥丸
pill 滴丸劑;丸劑,藥丸;籃球;藥丸,丸劑,子彈;diet pill 減肥藥;減肥藥丸;Pill Cannon 藥丸大炮;機器人營救自殺者;抗抑鬱藥大炮;Contraceptive pill 避孕丸;避孕藥;strengthening pill 強力丸;
1.Sweaters made of wool yarns may have a tendency to pill. 由毛線織成的毛衣易起小球。
2.He swallowed the bitter pill . 他吞下了苦味的藥丸。
3.Could not you give me pill ? 你不能給我服用藥片嗎?
pill and powder and adhesive plaster and dan - 丸散膏丹
pill cutter - 藥丸切割機
pill maker; pill rounder - 藥丸成形機
pill dish - 藥丸皿
pill counter - 藥丸計數器
pill for relieving dysphasia - 解語丹
Quick-actng Pill for Heart Resurrection - 速效救心丸
流產藥 - abortion pill
n.苯丙胺丸 - amphetamine pill
n.化蟲丸 - anthelmintic pill
n.伯洛斯特氏丸 - bellostes pill
n.硃砂安神丸 - Cinnabar Sedative Pill
n.濃縮丸 - concentrated pill
n.毓麟珠 - conceptive pill
避孕藥,避孕丸 - contraceptive pill
切丸 - cutting of pill
n.開胸順氣丸 - digestion-promoting pill
切丸 - dividing of pill
n.保濟丸 - health Pill
n.補心丸 - heart-invigoration pill
n.蜜丸 - honeyed pill
n.清肝和胃丸 - liver-fire-purging and stomach-regulating pill
n.磁朱丸 - magnetite and cinnabar pill
男性用列性酒 - Male Contraceptive Pill
n.翌晨避孕丸 - morning-after pill
多樣維生系片 - multiple vitamin pill
肌性丸劑 - muscle pill
口眼藥丸 - oral pill
n.糊丸 - paste pill
安眠藥 - peace pill
後漂白 - postcoital pill
n.通脈養心丸 - Pulse-Invigorating and Heart-Nourishing Pill
n.順氣丸 - qi-regulating pill
n.速效救心丸 - Quick-actng Pill for Heart Resurrection
催眠藥,安眠藥 - sleeping pill
n.糖衣丸 - sugar-coated pill
蜀羊泉甘 - Surgam pill
n.苯丙胺丸 - thruster amphetamine pill
n.二至丸 - two solstices pill
n.水丸 - water-paste pill