ruggedlyadv. 粗暴地,險峻地
ruggedly 險峻地;ruggedly steeply 險峻地;
1.We shall strive with verve, for health in body and mind. We'll learn to lead and yet to serve in character ruggedly fine. 貫徹德智體群,培養健全身心,服務國家,努力學習,為光明前程奮鬥!
2.In circles ruggedly on the mountain road, a curve then curve, looks upwardly from the foot, felt that this road goes nonstop to Yunsiao. 在崎嶇盤旋的山路上,一個彎道接著一個彎道,從山腳向上看的時候,就感覺這條路是直通雲霄。
3.It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features. 畫的是一張很大的面孔,有一米多寬:這是一個大約四十五歲的男人的臉,留著濃密的黑鬍子,面部線條粗獷英俊。