thistledown['θisldaun]n. 薊花的冠毛;薊種子冠毛adj. 非常輕的
thistledown 薊花的冠毛;薊的冠毛;Thistledown Liege 薊丘王侯;Liam Thistledown 連恩·李斯特登 李斯特登家的幼子;as light as thistledown 極輕;as light as thistledown imponderability 極輕;
1.It tiptoes through the treetops, roughing a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. 它躡手躡腳,掠過樹梢,抹紅葉子,然後,乘一簇毛薊越過山谷而去。
2.It tiptoes through the treetops, roughing a few leaves, then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. 它躡手躡腳地掠過樹梢,抹紅幾片樹葉,又輕踏一簇薊花冠毛,越過山谷飄然而去。
3.To his delight and relief the dentist's touch was, if not quite as light as thistledown, at least sensitive, and certainly far from the brutal assault he had feared. 讓他欣慰的是牙醫的手腳雖然不能說輕如飛絮,但起碼也是小心翼翼的;當然遠遠不是他起初害怕的那種殘忍的動作。