aatabbr. [軍]防空坦克(Anti-Aircraft Tank);平均存取時間(Average Access Time);亞洲空運中心(Asia Airfeight Terminal);加速老化試驗(Accelerated Aging Test)
aat 電源自動投入裝置;Armored Assault Tank;Application Assembly Tool;Arc Attribute Table;AAT AverageAccessTime 平均存取時間;AAT pacemaker 心房按需觸發脈衝起搏器;AAT - 防空坦克;可容許非傳統治療;周圍大氣溫度;航空顧問組;AAT AutomaticAnswerTrunk 自動應答中繼;
1.AAT for the buyer and seller to provide the most appropriate trading platform to promote trade between the buyers and sellers. AAT為買方和賣方提供了最合適的交易平台,促成買賣雙方之間的貿易。
2.AAT continuously improves quality and innovative products and techniques to supply customer with satisfying products and services. 持續不間斷產品創新,技術發展及質量改善,以達到客戶滿意的產品及服務。
3.However, environmental activist, Aat Peterse, says that the car industry's 'green credentials' are all promotional and have no real substance behind them. 但是環保家愛特彼得斯說,汽車工業的綠色宣言,只不過是宣傳,背後其實是有名無實。