decarburization 脫碳;脫碳處理;脫炭;鋼鐵>去碳;surface decarburization 表面脫碳;表面脫碳<作用;表面;vacuum decarburization 真空脫碳;decarburization depth 脫碳厚度;skin decarburization 表面脫碳;
1.The results show that both are caused by decarburization in heat tret-ment. 結果表明,兩者均為熱處理脫碳所引起。
2.Is hardness tested on a surface that has been ground to remove decarburization? 硬度測試是不是在磨去脫碳層的表面上進行?
3.Based on the analysis of the properties of a high carbon pyrite from Yunnan, a series tests on decarburization by flotation and sulfur selection by flotation were carried out. 分析了雲南某高碳硫鐵礦的原礦性質,進行了浮選脫碳試驗和浮選選硫試驗等一系列試驗。
4.Quenching crack propagation characteristics of the organizations on both sides without decarburization phenomenon significant difference between crack and materials and forging cracks. 淬火裂紋的組織特徵是裂紋兩側無脫碳現象,明顯區別與鍛造裂紋和材料裂紋。
5.Results show that the crack is mainly intergranular and there is no decarburization and oxidation at the edge of the crack. 根據齒座表面裂紋主要呈沿晶擴展,裂紋兩側無脫碳和氧化現象,認為該裂紋為淬火裂紋。
n. steam oxygen decarburization process - 蒸汽氧除碳過程